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that work since 1905

7 Straightforward Ways To Reduce Your Business Energy Costs

With the drastically increasing energy bills, finding ways to reduce your output and save where we can has been extremely important. This rise in energy costs has been impacting both domestic and commercial properties at a drastic rate. For commercial properties, there are a wide range of ways that energy usage can be reduced. We have picked out 6 simple ways you could try to reduce your energy output for your business! Keep reading to find out more.

Energy Costs & Business

The rising energy crisis has been detrimental to homes and thousands across the UK, however, the impact on businesses has not been addressed as much.

Businesses and commercial properties have a lot of costs to think about, including:

  • Employee salaries
  • Rental space
  • Office essentials
  • Energy

With energy bills rising, businesses may have to result in cutting funds in other areas in order to stay afloat. This could hurt the business even further, so a good option for many businesses is to start reducing their energy costs.

Impacts To Businesses

  • Reduced Profits – When businesses are impacted by energy costs, they may have to squeeze the business’s profit margins. In some cases, where margins are already relatively thin, increases in expenses like energy costs can eat into the businesses profits even further.
  • Job Losses – Many businesses may have to start reducing expenses in other areas to help them cope with the rising energy costs. This could be cuts to employee hours or other benefits. In worst case scenarios, businesses may have to let go of people in order to manage finances and keep up with cost demands.
  • Business Closures – This is a worst case scenario when it comes to the impact on businesses, however some businesses may suffer too much under financial pressures and have to close as a result. For small businesses especially, keeping up with financial demands like energy costs can be a real challenge.

Ways You Can Reduce Your Energy Costs

There are a range of ways that a commercial building can reduce energy bills. We have picked out six simple ways to get started, keep reading to find our tips.

Have An Energy Audit Carried Out

A good first step in reducing your energy costs is to have your energy usage and output evaluated thoroughly. This way you can get a better idea of what you can change and how you can improve the energy consumption of your building.

Many energy companies will be able to send someone out to conduct an audit and assess the efficiency of your property. They will also be able to go over your audit over the phone to help and explain to you which areas are using and wasting the most energy.

LED Light Bulbs

Checking your lighting and the bulbs is a small change you can make to improve the efficiency of your lights. LED bulbs are not only more eco-friendly but the technology is actually safer than regular bulbs, reducing any safety risks. But most importantly, they use up the least amount of energy than any other type of lighting, with an excellent level of brightness that can keep your office lit up all day without you having to worry about your electricity bills.

LED bulbs emit no UV emissions or rays of heat, meaning everyone in your office can enjoy a well lit room all day without any consequences.

Energy Efficient Office Items

Aside from lights, there are other electrical items in your office that you might want to think about upgrading to help with efficiency. From your refrigerator and your kitchen items all the way to your actual office items.

Things such as printers, computers, lighting…etc. Can all be upgraded to more efficient models. While this may seem like a daunting upfront cost, the benefits it will hold for your office overall will end up saving you money in the long run. So, spending a little more can actually help you save in a few years.

Also, be sure to switch all your appliances into energy saving mode. It may seem excessive, however all of your appliances in eco-friendly mode will make a huge difference to your overall spend on energy every month.

Proper Insulation

Having proper insulation in your roof or ceiling can make a world of difference when it comes to heating and cooling your commercial property.

During the winter, you may not be able to afford having the heating on all the time, or may need to have it on a timer throughout the day. Insulation can help to keep the heat inside the building. It is important to get proper insulation installed, and to be mindful of anywhere where drafts can come in or let the heat out.

Insulation also comes into play during the summer months too. The last thing any office needs in the middle of the heat is to have people sweltering at their desks. Insulation helps to regulate the temperature of a building, and proper roof tiling will help to keep your building cool from overhead rays too.

Smart Metres & Thermostats

Getting a Smart Meter and a Thermostat are great ideas! Smart Metres are excellent for helping you to monitor your energy usage throughout the day and keep on top of how much you are spending on energy. This way, you can keep track of good days, bad days and how your company is functioning.

Thermostats are also useful for controlling the temperature of the office. You can now find a range of apps that allow you to control a thermostat when you aren’t even in the office, which could be useful to many business owners. If you’re looking to reduce energy costs, being able to control your thermostat on days when no one is in the office, or switch on a timer may be a good option.

Maintain Your HVAC Systems

Your heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in your building are essential to keeping the air quality good and making the office a comfortable place for people to work all year round, however the energy output for these machines can be quite high.

When it comes to commercial ventilation systems, regular maintenance is key to keeping them working properly and doing a good job of heating and cooling. Annual maintenance is required, but changing your filters regularly and having them properly cleaned will keep them running more efficiently. This is better for your overall energy consumption because your systems will perform better and not use as much energy while not functioning well.

Turn Things Off

This may seem like a given, however many offices do not turn off all their appliances and lights before they leave. So, if you’re looking to cut down your energy costs, then ushering employees to turn off lights, kitchen appliances and desk appliances when they leave will definitely make a difference. Additionally, when everyone is working together to turn off all lights and switches, the effort may be minimal, however the results will have a large impact.

Also things like temperature controls can be used to switch off heating or air conditioning on the weekends, helping you save energy expenses.

Mitchells: Installation Specialists

We understand the importance of the energy crisis and how this has impacted businesses across the nation. Here at Mitchells, we specialise in engineering and installation for many projects and appliances. Operating across Gloucester, you can check out our range of services here on our website. Our aim is to create environments that work, from installation to maintenance, we are here to help.

For further information about what we do or how we can help your business, feel free to contact us today to find out more. Our wonderful team of commercial electricians will be happy to answer any questions or help you find exactly what you are looking for.

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