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Is Your Air Conditioning Working Properly?

There’s nothing worse than working in a stuffy office or boiling warehouse. But, despite many businesses having an air conditioning system installed, just as many will ignore maintenance requirements until the system needs replacing or is showing serious signs that attention is needed. A faulty system is not doing its job so always pay attention to how it’s performing.

In the workplace, air conditioning can make a big difference to your staff by keeping them comfortable and alert, but when your unit is in need of repair, the opposite effect can happen. So, how do you know if your unit is working properly? More often than not, you will experience warning signs and a change in the way the unit is operating.

In this blog, we explain some of the top signs that your air conditioning unit requires maintenance and changes you should look out for. Read on for all you need to know.

What are the signs that your air conditioning unit is not working?

While most air conditioning units are fairly low maintenance that doesn’t mean that they should be completely ignored. Like any other appliance in your workplace, repairs and checks are needed to keep your aircon in the best possible condition – there’s no point investing in something that you aren’t going to take care of!

Here are some of the top signs that your air conditioning unit is not working properly.

Limited airflow

Your unit should be giving out a constant flow of air. However, when this changes and airflow becomes limited, this is often a sign that something is wrong. Air conditioning circulates indoor air which means dust, first and debris can become trapped in the system and eventually cause a blockage. Clogs are normal but they will not rectify themselves. Instead, you need a professional air conditioning technician who can inspect and clear the debris so airflow can return to normal. If you are regularly having your unit maintained then this task will usually be included in the checks.

Hot air

The whole point of air conditioning is to provide cool air so when the unit starts to blow out hot air, it needs to be looked at. There are a number of reasons why your unit could be doing this such as leaks, clogged pipes, loss of power, blocked coil or the refrigerant is low. If air being circulated through your vents isn’t as cold as it used to be – your system is working overtime to keep temperatures comfortable. These changes will happen gradually so make note of the change in temperature and get it rectified quickly.

At Mitchell’s our professional team is experienced handling a range of air con related issues. For new commercial developments, we are able to ensure a smooth design and installation process by working in close cooperation with architects, consultants and project managers, either as the lead HVAC engineers or in a consultancy capacity ourselves. From installations to repairs and ongoing maintenance, you can rely on us to do the job well. Get in touch with us today.

Odd sounds

Have your or your employees noticed strange sounds coming from your air conditioning unit? Unusual noises such as grinding, banging or screeching indicate that something is the system is not performing correctly. Sometimes this is simply down to ageing, but more often than not, AC units will make these sounds when they are in need of repair. Air conditioning is designed to run quietly in the background so when sounds begin to happen more frequently, the components need to be checked and possibly replaced.

Leaks and moisture

AC will create some level of moisture but you shouldn’t experience leaking. Sometimes, mould and mildew can build up in the system due to clogs, malfunctioning pumps, disconnected drain lines and more. When a lot of moisture is present, leaks can come from the unit, not only damaging the surrounding area but potentially causing a health risk. An experienced technician will be able to help with this before the problem gets worse but always know that leaks are a sign that something is wrong.

Increased energy bills

You are more likely to use your air conditioner in the warmer months which means a natural increase in your energy bills. However, if you notice that your bills have steadily increased throughout the year or a large spike has occurred then your unit probably isn’t running smoothly. When the system is not operating as it should, it does overtime and therefore using more energy despite working at a lower rate. It’s important that your business is energy-efficient not only to improve your carbon footprint but to avoid large bills. The solution to this is to upgrade to new equipment or have the relevant repairs done promptly.

Strange smells

Unpleasant smells in the workplace are something that should be prevented at all costs! A good AC unit should be blowing out clean, odour-free air but when an unresolved repair occurs this isn’t always the case. A smokey, eggy or damp smell indicates serious problems that require immediate attention. Usually, smells are a sign that the filter system is not working properly or there is something stuck int he system such as pests or mould. In that case, the unit needs to be cleared so it does not affect the health of those breathing in the air.

You haven’t had your air con looked at in a while

One clear sign that your air may not be working properly is if you haven’t had it checked in a while. It’s always worth having your unit properly looked at at least once a year or just before peak usage so if that isn’t something that you’ve been keeping up with, its probably a contributing factor to your ongoing problems. Leaving repairs untouched for a long period of time will only increase your repair bill and stop your installation from working as it should be. Any installation that isn’t being well maintained is bound to experience problems, so hire a professional team who can assess the problem quickly and ensure that your business feels its best.

Mitchell’s: Air Conditioning Experts in Gloucester

If you suspect that your air conditioning unit is no longer working as it should be, you need a professional team that can get things sorted. At Mitchell’s, we offer air conditioning maintenance every day of the year so your business can remain efficient you aren’t burdened with huge repair bills.

Running a business and keeping on top of maintenance can be stressful. We aim to make things easier for you by creating a maintenance package that suits your needs. From air conditioning repairs to heating and electrical services, you can have everything under one roof and simplify the way you work.

We make it our job to keep up with your facility’s air conditioning service requirements. You can rest assured that Mitchell’s will be there on time and as needed to ensure that your AC system continues to function at peak operational performance. To keep ahead of any potential breakdowns, contact us today to schedule air conditioning service in Gloucester.

Posted in Blogs

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