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What you Need to Know About Commercial Refrigeration

What you Need to Know About Commercial Refrigeration

Commercial refrigeration is one of the most important factors in the catering industry not to mention one of the most important and widely used applications. With this in mind, a commercial refrigerator needs to be strong enough to withstand warm conditions and also be reliable enough to be regularly used. It needs to be safe and in good working order, even if the doors are being constantly opened and slammed shut. 

The reason why a commercial refrigerator is so crucial to a workplace is that they are the thing that keeps hundreds of pounds worth of stock refrigerated inside. With that in mind, you can’t afford for them not to work. 

In this brief guide, we are going to outline the benefits of commercial refrigeration and what you need to know about getting one installed. 

What is commercial refrigeration? 

As you may well have thought, commercial refrigeration is a reference to machines and devices which are used in a commercial sphere. It’s easy to make the assumption that a commercial fridge is the same as the one you might have in your kitchen at home, just a little bigger. This is of course – not the case. A commercial fridge is specifically designed to be used in a commercial setting such as a restaurant kitchen or as a product display fridge in a supermarket. 

A commercial fridge unlike a house fridge is going to require much energy as well as durability, this is because they need to consistently run without stopping. In addition to this, the load for a commercial fridge is going to be significantly bigger so it needs to keep a large amount of stocks at the perfect temperature. The reason being, they need to keep the stock at the right temperature to ensure the stock is going to be safe to consume and not compromise its overall quality. 

Lots of commercial refrigeration devices are going to be custom-made. Regardless of this, the fact is that there are going to be plenty of models out there, a commercial fridge isn’t the kind of model of fridge you are going to find in your local appliances shop or department store. 

How do commercial refrigerators work? 

The case is, with any refrigerator, be it one for your home or your business, it is designed to safely store any kind of refreshments or beverages for long periods of time. The aim of doing this so prevents the food items or liquids from spoiling. In the models engineered for commercial purposes, the power and storage capacity is much more than what you need for your household. This way, be that dry goods, wet ingredients, or any type of raw or prepared food, the industrial cooling mechanism is in place to keep a vast quantity of food items cooled.

Points to remember when buying a commercial refrigerator

There are a couple of key things to remember if you are keen to invest in a commercial fridge, especially if you are unfamiliar with using one. One of the first things to remember when using a commercial refrigerator is that it is going to need some level of maintenance. This will ensure that it will not be in any way unhygienic or breed unwanted bacteria. 

Frequent cleaning 

Using commercial units is going to be heavily loaded and might need more regular cleaning services to be carried out too! The ideal way to ensure you are thoroughly cleaning your commercial fridge is to disassemble the whole unit and clear out all the necessary components. 

The vast majority of high-quality service providers will be able to do a complete check including checking for temperature and defrost settings, electrical connections and drain lines among other things. Frequent cleaning and maintenance increase the durability and efficiency of most machines and the same are true for refrigerators.

Use a maintenance technician 

Making sure that you book routine maintenance checks for your commercial fridge is going to offer you the necessary information on your fridge’s condition and allow you to know how well it is working. 

A maintenance technician will be able to ascertain if there are any evolving issues that are not necessarily going to be visible to you. 

They will be able to identify a problem before it becomes a more significant issue and ultimately cost you a pretty penny! If you are proactive with your refrigeration requirements, this will, in turn, help support you in avoiding spoilage that will not just damage your profitability but your professional reputation.

Check product features

Prior to you just picking up the first commercial fridge you set your eyes on, it’s going to be much better if you scrutinize the main features. Have a look at the capacity, the size, its temperature, and the other key information that will be essential to your business. Just going for what looks good is not the best thing to do.

Seek out trustworthy reviews

Various businesses may have gone ahead and used the products you’re thinking of purchasing. You will be able to learn from their experience whatever the case may be. Lots of these reviewers are pretty thorough and should give you a good level of detail and often include information regarding how the product performs by leaving a detailed review of the company’s website or Google.

Choose a commercial fridge with a good warranty 

Another point to consider is that you’ll most likely want to use a manufacturing company that feels confident that their products will be able to offer you decent warranty terms. Seek out a company that can offer you the right deal for you in-keeping with your budget and requirements. For refrigeration devices, companies will often provide you with a warranty of no less than 5 years. 

Make sure it’s in the right place 

Be sure that the positioning of your commercial refrigerator is going to allow for optimal performance. One good determinant for your unit’s placement is the refrigerator’s climate class. Climate classes depend varying on what atmosphere the unit is designed to operate in. Some refrigerators with a lower climate class are manufactured to be located in a different area with lower ambient temperatures.

Mitchells – We Work on Commercial Fridges in Gloucester for All Industries

If you require commercial refrigeration services in Gloucester, look no further than Mitchell’s. We’re industry experts in this area and we always place our customers at the centre of everything that we do to provide them with the best service possible. Whether you’re a caterer requiring a catering fridge in Gloucester or a retailer requiring a retail fridge, Mitchell’s are the best-placed company to help you.

We can also assist with the installation of commercial refrigeration systems as part of a larger building or construction plan. Mitchell’s excels at project management, and we’ll minimise the impact of our own installation works on your timeline. We can work with your project manager or assume this role ourselves. Just let us know how you’d like to proceed.

If you require assistance installing, servicing or repairing your facility’s refrigerators, reach out to Mitchell’s and simply contact us today. We’ll get back to you in a timely manner with information about how we can further help. We’d be happy to offer our assistance.

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