Creating environments
that work since 1905

Spring Cleaning the Office: Decluttering, AC Maintenance and More

Spring is officially here! It’s time to start dusting off your cleaning gear and get your office ready for the months ahead. Whether you’re looking to blow away the cobwebs of winter or you simply want to give your office a good spruce, spring is the perfect time to give your workplace a much needed declutter. 

There are lots of benefits to giving your office a good spring clean; it can improve health and safety in your office and create a nicer working environment for your employees. If the annual spring clean is something that you dread, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with our Spring cleaning tips. Cleaning and organising your office space can seem like an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t need to be. 

Read on for our top tips for spring cleaning the office, from making sure your air conditioning unit is in top condition for the warm months ahead to decluttering desks and drawers. 

Create a cleaning checklist

The best way to tackle a big office clean is with a big checklist. You can slowly work your way through this checklist as you go – and there’s nothing more satisfying than ticking off a section! Put together a list of everything that needs to be cleaned in your office; this may include the kitchen area, individual desks, filing cabinets and meeting rooms. 

If the idea of tackling a big office by yourself seems overwhelming or daunting, ask an employee or team leader to help you with the job. It will help to speed up the process too. 

Clear out desks and drawers

You know what they say; an untidy room equals an untidy mind. You want your employees to be as productive as possible in the workplace, so it’s important that the space is clean, clear, tidy and organised. It can be difficult to focus when you’re surrounded by piles of paperwork or general office junk; instead, you want to create a working environment that is tidy and focused. 

Start by tackling desk areas and drawers as these tend to accumulate the most clutter. Over time, your drawers have likely become jam-packed with pens, notepads, odd bits of paperwork and general office clutter. Take the time to go through each drawer and get rid of anything you don’t want or need. Remember, you don’t want any unnecessary items taking up precious space! 

Wipe down all of the surfaces 

Desks and surfaces should be wiped down regularly to stop the spread of viruses in the office anyway, but it’s also an important part of the spring cleaning process. Give all of the surfaces in your office a good clean with an eco-friendly surface cleaner; this should include desks, door handles, keyboards and any other workstation surfaces. 

Designate an area for supplies

It’s not uncommon for office supplies to end up dotted all over the office; from stray staplers and paperclips to notepads, pens and post-it notes, it’s highly likely that most people’s desks are cluttered with them. To keep things in order, designate one area for office supplies. Employees can refer to this area whenever they need a new notepad, stapler, paperclips and more – but it helps to keep the office tidy and you’ll be able to tell right away when supplies are running low and you need to order more. 

Clear out the cleaning cupboard

Does your cleaning cupboard look like someone’s just thrown all of the products straight in without a care? Taking the time to organise your cleaning cupboard can make things much easier when it comes to your next office clean – and it can save you lots of time in the future too. Throw away old sponges, dusters and rags and make sure that all of your cleaning products are organised and ready to use. 

Pay attention to your air conditioning unit 

One thing that definitely needs close attention during a big spring clean is your air conditioning unit. Not only will regular air conditioner maintenance extend the lifespan of your unit, but it will improve the health of your office too and help to keep the air clean. Make sure the air filter is cleaned or replaced regularly; a spring clean is the perfect time to start fresh with a brand new filter. Regularly replacing the filter will prevent dust, dirt and debris from clogging up your filter and stop harmful bacteria from circulating around the office. 

It’s also important to remember to clean your unit from the outside too. While this isn’t technically part of your inside spring clean, the outside of your unit is exposed to the elements and can accumulate a lot of dirt, debris and leaves. If this isn’t cleaned regularly, the debris can affect the air flow of your unit and reduce the air conditioner’s capacity. 

If you’re concerned about your air conditioning unit or would like to have a new one installed, make sure you get in touch with a reliable air conditioning company

Don’t forget the office kitchen

It’s important to pay attention to the communal areas of your office too – it’s not just desks and drawers that get messy! In fact, communal areas often require some extra care, and there’s a good chance that you might need to get the heavy duty cleaning products out. Firstly, clean out all of the cupboards and drawers in your kitchen. Next, give the surfaces, sink and kitchen appliances a good clean and wipe down. Pay special attention to the fridge – as lots of people likely use it to store their lunch and snacks, it can quickly get messy and needs to be deep cleaned regularly. 

Evaluate your waste

A spring clean is the perfect time to evaluate your waste and identify other ways in which your business can be more eco-friendly. After all, a green office is a happy office – and as a business owner, you should always be looking for ways to improve your carbon footprint and make your business more eco-friendly. When getting rid of waste after your spring clean, make sure you recycle where possible to stop your waste from going to landfill. 

Eliminate your digital clutter too

Once you’ve tackled your office and left it sparkling clean, there’s one final task to be completed: your inbox. Digital clutter can be just as frustrating as physical clutter, and it’s worth taking the time to clear out your inbox and tidy up your desktop to finish off your big spring clean. Take the time to read, reply and delete emails you no longer need and mark all of the junk you’ve been receiving as spam so that it doesn’t bother you again. Filing documents away into folders and removing unused desktop icons will leave you with a tidy, clear and organised computer for the upcoming months. 

Mitchell’s: Creating Work Environments that Work Since 1905

At Mitchell’s, we provide building services and facilities management in Gloucester. Whether you need a new air conditioning unit installed in your office or you’re looking for bespoke heating system design and installation, we’ve got you covered. Our experienced and skilled team are professionals in installing and designing professional refrigeration systems and 24 hour maintenance support – anything you need, we can do it. 

We’re proud to be one of the most universally recognised brands in the area due to strength that we’ve demonstrated over the years to update and adapt the services we offer. To learn more about our services, visit our website.

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