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Why You Need Air Conditioning in Your Retail Space

Why You Need Air Conditioning in Your Retail Space

Air conditioning can often be overlooked in the UK because we typically have cooler summers, however, AC can be hugely beneficial for industries like retail.

Here’s why you should invest in air conditioning for your retail space:

Enhance the customer’s experience

No customer wants to walk around a shop feeling hot and sweaty and more often than not, they’ll ditch the shop if it’s too warm inside. When you have a lot of people browsing your retail space the temperature can easily pick up on account of so many bodies inside. Creating a cool environment with plenty of fresh air will make the customer feel more at ease and much more likely to make a purchase, increasing your sales as a result.

It’s even more important for clothing shops because a customer that has to try on clothes in a hot cramped space won’t end well. They’ll get easily frustrated and decide they don’t want the item, or not bother trying it on which will just lead to an increase in returns.

Keep your shop cool in summer

While controlling the temperature all year round is vital, when the heat picks up in the summer months it’s even more important. Many shoppers will be seeking out a cool refuge while walking the streets in July so make sure you’ve got a well air conditioned shop to pull those customers in. Some people won’t even hang around if the temperature is too warm in the shop, but if they feel a cold puff of air as they step in, they’ll definitely take a look around and then you’re halfway to a sale.

It’s also highly important that you look after your staff. Nobody wants to be at work on a warm sunny day, but pair that with having to be at work with no air conditioning and you’ve got yourself a team of disgruntled employees. Furthermore, the law states that employees can only be expected to work in ‘reasonable temperatures’ so you must  ensure the temperature is controlled.

Improve your sales

Having a shop that is inviting is going to increase the number of customers that enter the store and, as a result, the number of sales you complete. If you can pull a customer in with a fresh cool space, then your store displays and great merchandise combined with excellent customer service should do the rest. A happy shopper is more likely to be seduced by great offers and make impulse purchases, so take advantage of that and make your shop a happy place to be!

Mitchell’s provides bespoke air conditioning solutions to create the perfect environment in your shop. We are a team of fully qualified engineers offering services in air conditioning, electrics, heating, refrigeration and more. Get in touch today to discover how we can help you and your business.

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