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Five Signs You Need Commercial Fridge Repair

Worried your commercial fridge is on its way out? For many vital industries, commercial refrigerators are an essential part of business, particularly for those in the restaurant, hotel and hospital sectors. In fact, a commercial refrigerator that suffers a complete breakdown will likely result in severe losses for your business, meaning knowing the vital signs of a system malfunction is even more important. Below, we highlight five key signs you need commercial fridge repair.

Excess Condensation

A vital sign that your commercial refrigerator is in need of maintenance or repair, an excessive build-up of condensation or frost inside your refrigerator is a key indicator that your commercial fridge is no longer operating as it should. If you suspect this is the case, you should examine your refrigerator’s rubber sealing as soon as possible. A malfunctioning commercial refrigerator will likely have a build-up of condensation, mould or mildew present on the refrigerator door’s rubber sealing, which can easily be replaced, however, if there is excessive condensation, this may be due to an issue with the temperature setting or a result of a lack of fridge maintenance.

Food Spoilage

A clear sign of an issue with your commercial refrigerator is an increase in food spoilage occurring much more frequently, (and rapidly), than normal. If your refrigerated food is spoiling before its expiry date, this could be a clear indication of an issue with your gasket. Dirty or worn gaskets will fail to trap the cool air inside your refrigerator, whilst allowing warm air from the outside to seep into the system. Consider replacing your gasket at this stage, as this is typically simple and inexpensive, but if the problem persists you may wish to consider a replacement.

High Electricity Bills

An unexpected and inexplicable rise in your electricity bills, particularly if your usage levels have remained mostly consistent, could be a result of a malfunction or defect with your current refrigerator system. At this stage, we recommend hiring the services of an experienced technician to inspect and hopefully repair the issue, although of course, should the issue be deemed too great, you can save money by replacing the system straight away.

Motor Defects

Rapid, not to mention repeated, breakdowns of your refrigerator motor are a major warning sign that you may have to replace your commercial refrigerator. A motor failure in your commercial refrigerator will likely lead to a change in temperature, as excessive amounts of heat are transmitted throughout the refrigerator. This is typically a result of a dirty coil.

Inconsistent Temperature

Your commercial refrigerator should operate effectively and with efficiency at roughly zero degrees without much hassle, thanks to a temperature control setting, but if your temperature feels colder than normal, or you have started to notice a formation of ice inside your refrigerator, this could be a result of a number of severe problems, such as worn-out gaskets, dirty coils or a broken motor.

At Mitchell’s, we offer a wide range of business services including commercial refrigeration maintenance and installation. Working across Gloucester, the South West and further afield, we’re on hand to keep your walk-in fridge or commercial refrigerator running smoothly.  Get in touch today.

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