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The Importance Of Air Conditioning Maintenance

It’s now mid-summer and there’s no doubt that it’s time to ensure your air conditioning is in excellent condition. With the possibility of peaking temperatures, as we’ve seen nearly every year now, it’s even more important that you have the ability to cool your home and workplace.

How To Maintain Your AC Unit

The simplest way to ensure your air conditioning is working even in difficult circumstances is to have it serviced annually. Ideally, this should be done in the spring, but if you missed it this year, now is the second-best time.

You can also manage a lot of the maintenance yourself. Cleaning vents, cleaning and changing out the filters, etc. are all something that you can do yourself. You can also keep the area around the outside unit clear of debris and grass. However, most people prefer to have a professional come in and handle all the maintenance at once. It’s faster and easier that way.

What If Your AC Goes Out in a Heatwave?

Do you know what to do if you lose power or air conditioning in the middle of a heatwave? This can be a potentially very dangerous situation, so it is best if you have a plan in mind.

First, if you still have power, set up fans and open windows in the evenings, early mornings, and whenever it’s cooler outside. This will help circulate air throughout the house.

Covering the windows, particularly those on the south side of the building, is also a good idea. This will prevent too much sunlight from pouring in and heating up the home. If possible, open the windows early, while it’s still cooler, then once the sun rises, close the windows and hang blankets over them. Some people find that aluminium paper with the shiny side out is best for reflecting the heat out of their homes.

Stock up on ice if you still have power, as this can be dumped into a bucket and placed behind a fan for added coolness. You can also put water in a bucket or a kiddie pool and sit with your feet in it, adding a handful of ice as needed.

If you need air conditioning maintenance or repair done, it’s important to have a company you can trust to handle it all. Mitchell’s offers a range of help that will keep your AC running even in the hottest weather. Call us today.

Posted in Blogs

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