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Troubleshooting Your Air Conditioning System

Despite all your best efforts, something is going on with your HVAC system and it’s just not cooling like it used to. Or perhaps it isn’t working at all. If you are struggling with your air conditioning and can’t get it to work, you’ll want to call a repair company in most cases. However, you may wish to try troubleshooting the problem first.

The AC is Running, But Not Cooling

If the unit is working on the base level, but you’re not getting the cool air you need, there are a few things to check.

Check the filter. Does the filter need to be cleaned? This is something to check first. If the filter is too dirty, it won’t allow air to pass through, much less cold air. You should be able to clean or replace the filter on your own. Examine the vents for blockage. The vents may also be blocked by something or if you have vents with filters or grilles, they may need to be cleaned for the same reason as above.

Check for frozen coils. It’s possible that part of the system has become frozen. If the air filter feels ice cold, but nothing is coming through the vents, you can turn off the air conditioning and set it to fan mode for the next few hours. The ice will melt away and evaporate.

Water is Leaking from the Unit

A leaking air conditioning unit can be a very difficult problem. The water will cause damage to your walls and floor if not remedied immediately, which may result in mould and mildew, among other issues. You don’t want to deal with these, as they can result in breathing difficulties and allergy symptoms, or even make you ill.

Look at the evaporator coils. They may be frozen, which can result in water dripping out of the unit. This requires turning the fan on instead, so the coils can thaw out. Put down a towel, as there is likely to be more water during this process. You can check for frozen coils by placing your hand near the filter. If it feels cold, this may indicate frozen coils.

Clean the filters. If your filters are dirty, this may be causing things to freeze up inside the unit.

Check the drainage tube. This may become clogged. If so, you can use the same method as mentioned above, with a vacuum to remove the clog.

The AC is Pouring Out Hot Air

Hot air indicates something is going on with the thermostat. This should be checked to ensure there is nothing wrong. Is the thermostat set to a higher temperature than it should be? This can occur if you have children who may mess with it, or someone may have set it by accident.

Check your air filters. Your air filters may need to be cleaned or replaced. If they’re left dirty for too long, the build-up is incredible and may result in problems within the air conditioning unit. You should aim to clean the filters as often as possible.

Clean the coils. It’s possible that the coils need to be cleaned off. If they are too dirty and dusty, they can affect the system’s compressor and may even cause a short.

The System Won’t Turn On

If you can’t get the air conditioning to turn on at all, you should first ensure that there is power to the AC unit. If something has happened to block it, this may result in the unit shutting down. However, there are other possible problems.

Check the breaker box. If the air conditioning has been working overtime, this means you’ve likely had a breaker trip. It’s quite common, particularly in the warmer months.

Turn down the thermostat. In some cases, the thermostat is the part that is broken. If it’s not reading the temperature correctly, you could end up with a warmer space. Try reducing the temperature by 5° and see if that kicks it on.

The drain line may be clogged. This requires clearing it out and ensuring the condensation in the unit can easily drain out again. In some cases, you can use a shop vacuum to suction out the problem, but in most cases, you’ll need a new drain pump or switch.

The Thermostat and Room Temperatures Are Different

If the air conditioner has been running for some time, but the temperatures are quite different, it’s a sign that either your AC unit isn’t working as efficiently as it should, or the thermostat is off.

Use another thermometer. Just check the ambient temperature with a new thermometer and this will tell you which is correct. You may need to reprogram the device in order to get it back to working order. Manual devices will need to be unstuck if needed.

The thermostat may also be poorly positioned. If it’s near something that generates heat, such as the back of the television set or near the cooker, it can be off. Even sunlight can cause a bad reading.

Clean the thermostat. This will help adjust the temperature in many cases. If the thermostat is dirty, this can affect the sensors and prevent them from properly reading the temperature.

The HVAC is Constantly Running

Have you noticed that the air conditioning system never shuts off? Ideally, it should cool the room to the desired temperature and then maintain it by switching back on as needed. However, if you notice the system is just staying on, there is a likelihood that the thermostat is not working.

Clean the thermostat. As mentioned in the previous section, you will need to clean out the thermostat and be sure it is not misreading something. The temperature should read true.

Level the thermostat. If you set the thermostat so it is levelled out this may help. Use a level to help you adjust it and then try again.

The Air Conditioning Stops and Starts

If the system is constantly firing up and then shutting down again, it’s also likely a thermostat problem, but may also be a problem with the power.

Perform the same checks as above, with levelling and cleaning the thermostat. If this doesn’t help, try adjusting the cycle length by moving it toward a longer cycle. If it still isn’t working properly, you may need some expert help.

Air conditioning is a must with the temperatures rising. If you want to remain comfortable, good maintenance is a must. This means you need to ensure your AC is properly looked after throughout the year and it should have a good maintenance check right before you switch it on for summer.

Maintenance involves cleaning and replacing the filters as needed, clearing out the vents and cleaning the coils. You should also be sure the thermostat is properly calibrated and ready to go. It needs to be level in most cases, as well. You may do your own maintenance or you can have a company come in and handle all this for you. Most people prefer to have the experts manage the fiddly bits such as cleaning the coils. However, by keeping the external unit clear of debris and weeds, you can also help preserve the life of your unit.

Get in Touch

As soon as you notice something is wrong with the air conditioning, call in the experts. You’ll find that it’s much faster and usually simpler. They will have your AC back on in no time and you can relax in the cool air again. Otherwise, you’ll be trying to troubleshoot while the temperature rises.

Need help with your air conditioning system? Contact Mitchell’s and we can help you get your system back on track.

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