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Signs You Need Air Conditioning Repair

Think your air conditioning unit needs repair? We provide a list of important signs to look out for, from slow heating times to increased energy bills.

Slow Heating/Cooling Times

As one of the primary duties of a commercial air conditioning unit, it’s crucial for your business or industry that your air conditioning is able to both heat and cool the air within the property efficiently. Should you begin to notice that your air conditioning unit is taking far longer to moderate the temperature of a given space, you may need to consider hiring an experienced air conditioning repair professional to carry out a service. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

From Heatpumps to Hygiene: How to Prepare Your Hotel for Winter

Hotels are designed to provide a warm, comfortable and luxurious haven for guests to escape the stress of everyday life.

It is essential to adjust your hotel as the weather gets colder to provide the best possible service for your guests.

Here are some tips to prepare your hotel for winter and keep your guests warm.


One of the most important things to do to prepare your hotel for winter is to find a reliable and environmentally-friendly heating solution to keep your hotel warm all winter long.

Creating a warm, cosy environment is key for the comfort and enjoyment of guests in hotels. The last thing your guests want when they stay in a hotel is to have to endure a cold, sleepless night because you have a faulty boiler or poor heating system. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

How to Prolong the Lifespan of Your Boiler

The average lifespan of a central heating system is approximately 15 years, but it all depends on how well it’s looked after. You can help your boiler last longer by getting it frequently serviced – though you’ll have to spend on short-term maintenance costs, you’ll soon find that this will lead to long-term gains. This blog will outline the key ways that you can extend the life of your gas boiler, as well as highlight the signs that indicate it may be time to undergo a boiler replacement. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

6 Reasons Why You Should Never Skimp On AC Servicing

Air conditioning units are complex pieces of equipment. While they can function well for years, they are like cars: you need to stay on top of maintenance in order for them to provide you with reliable service, both now and in the future.

Naturally, like other sophisticated machinery, AC units have a limited lifespan. Most systems last between ten and fifteen years, even with regular AC maintenance.

In this post, we explore some of the reasons why air conditioning servicing is so important. Here’s what you need to know: read more >

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Saving Valuable Energy Within Your Home

If you are feeling the pinch from the cost of living crisis then you are not alone. There is a high percentage of homeowners and renters who are wondering how they can save money on their weekly, monthly, and annual bills. The good news is there are a few ways in which you can save yourself some money on your energy bills. However, with winter fast approaching you may not notice a huge difference until next summer. Take a look below for some ideas and inspiration on how to lower your energy usage within your home. read more >

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How Your Commercial Boiler Actually Works

Commercial boilers are the linchpin of business heating systems. They are large pieces of equipment that provide heating services to your entire building, whether you run a large office block or an industrial plant.

Unfortunately, most enterprises have no idea how their boilers work. And that means that they don’t always recognise when they need to intervene and get them maintained.

In this post, we explore some of the basics related to how commercial boilers work. We then run through the various components they use to generate building-wide heat before discussing the value of maintenance. read more >

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Want To Install A New AC System? Here’s What You Need To Know

Getting an air conditioning installation is a major decision, both for homeowners and firms. Not only does it require significant investment, but it also needs management, too.

In this post, we explore everything you need to know about installing a new air conditioning unit on your property.

You’ll Need A Professional

Air conditioning installation isn’t something you can do yourself. Rather, you’ll need qualified and accredited installers to do it for you. These professionals ensure that your system is properly sealed (so that it doesn’t leak air) and complies with all relevant building codes. read more >

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What Are The Different Types Of Commercial Fridges?

We all know commercial fridges when we see them. Compared to their residential equivalents, they’re often vast, and fit to serve entire city populations. However, as any catering or retail enterprise knows from experience, they come in many shapes and sizes.

If you’re feeling a little confused about the sheer range of refrigerators out there, then this post is here to help. Whether you need a catering fridge, a retail fridge, or something in between, we list it below.

Walk-In Refrigerators

Walk-in refrigerators are popular among commercial establishments that need to keep a large quantity of fresh food to hand at any given time. However, firms should carefully consider whether they actually need one. That’s because they take up a lot of space. read more >

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A history of fridges

The concept of cooling and preserving foods is ancient. Historians have even suggested some techniques are up to 11,000 years old. North America at the time hosted large herds of mammoths and hunter-gatherers would spend hours hunting the beasts to cash in a big feast. After they had one of these giants there was the difficult problem of storing and preserving the meat so nothing would go to waste. Unfortunately for them, the household fridge was a few years away so they had to come up with something a little different. read more >

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What To Consider When Opening A Restaurant

Opening a restaurant is an exciting but equally daunting experience, however much business experience you might have. There are a dizzying amount of variables you must consider when starting such a venture, and it is easy to get overwhelmed by everything. In this process, many fall into the trap of being fixated on inessential, tertiary details, forgetting the critical necessities of running a restaurant, whilst some might not even know where to begin. This blog post aims to remind you of the fundamental priorities in beginning to run a restaurant, demonstrating the groundwork that must be laid for a successful business to function effectively. read more >

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