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Tips for Maximising Your Display Refrigerator

A display refrigerator displays your cooled products to your customers. When properly used, it can be a wonderful way to increase sales and promote impulse buys. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to make that happen.

Place Expensive Items At Eye Level

If the fridge is a tall one, the three shelves around eye height should be filled with your best products and the ones that make you the most money. This will be what people see first and it will entice them to buy these products first.

Use Attractive Colours

People are drawn by colours, but certain colours, such as yellow, red, and green, are more appetising and stimulate hunger than blue or white. You can use this to help create a better display in your cold case. If your display fridge is lower, such as for cakes or meats, try laying out red or green mats below the food to draw the eye and enhance items that may not be as attractive. read more >

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The Importance Of Replacing Your Old Boiler

You’ve likely heard that you should replace a boiler that is over a decade old, but is it really necessary? If your boiler is still functional, you may prefer not to worry about it and wait. However, this will end up costing you more in the long run, even if your boiler is perfectly functional at the moment. There are a few reasons to replace an old boiler and while it may not be an urgent thing if you need to save up money first, it is definitely high on the list of priorities.

More Expensive

This is a fact. When boilers age, they not only lose efficiency but new models of boilers are designed to be more efficient. This means that a 15-year-old boiler could end up losing nearly half its efficiency and that is a whole lot of energy your boiler is wasting. You’re essentially paying for heat and hot water that you don’t even get to use. read more >

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The Importance Of Air Conditioning Maintenance

It’s now mid-summer and there’s no doubt that it’s time to ensure your air conditioning is in excellent condition. With the possibility of peaking temperatures, as we’ve seen nearly every year now, it’s even more important that you have the ability to cool your home and workplace.

How To Maintain Your AC Unit

The simplest way to ensure your air conditioning is working even in difficult circumstances is to have it serviced annually. Ideally, this should be done in the spring, but if you missed it this year, now is the second-best time. read more >

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Designing A HVAC System: What’s Involved?

While a simple building may have a minimal HVAC system installed, most homes and offices will require a proper HVAC system design. This means there are many ways to create a system that will work, but there are just as many factors to consider.

What To Consider In HVAC Design?

The first thing the HVAC professional must do is look at the best type of air conditioning system for the space. This will depend on the size of the building and whether the system will work for the entire building or have areas for each system.

Ducts & Ventilation

The engineer must examine any existing ducts or ventilation options. If the system is being designed from the ground up, then the technician must plan for where each vent will go to maximise efficiency. read more >

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How To Stay Cool While Your AC is Being Repaired

No one wants to have their air conditioning go out in the middle of summer, but that’s exactly when it is most likely to happen. It may take some time to repair the system, so in the meantime, you’ll need to learn some new tricks for staying cool.

Portable Air Conditioner

There are some portable air conditioners that could be rented as needed. While these are small and only good for one room, the portable air conditioner can certainly keep you comfortable until the main AC is back on.

Take Cool Showers

Feeling overheated? A tepid shower will help your body cool down. If you prefer, sink into a cool bath and this can also bring your temperature down. As a bonus, cool water is great for dyed hair and can be stimulating for your skin. Just avoid cold water, since that can cause your body to take steps toward raising your temperature, which is the opposite of what you want. read more >

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How Large Should Your Cold Room Be?

Cold rooms are an essential part of any commercial kitchen, but they can also be used in labs or other applications. If you have a large number of items that must be kept cool, you’ll want a place to put them. A cold room is an ideal solution.

One of the biggest questions people face is what size of cold room do they need? While you may feel that bigger is better, that’s not always the case. For example, you don’t want to cool large amounts of space where you have no products. At the same time, you do want to allow for possible expansion in the future. So, how do you determine the best size of cold room for your building? read more >

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How To Create The Perfect Working Environment

Irrespective of occupation, no one wants to wake up in the morning filled with dread about spending the day working in a freezing building or sweltering office coupled with unsanitary conditions. Factors like these can stifle productivity, motivation, and even place your employees at harm.

There are several things you can do, however, to maximise good working conditions throughout your premises.

This extensive guide provides you with all the essential information you’ll need to create a safe and comfortable working environment all year round. read more >

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A Complete Guide To Commercial Refrigeration

Referring directly to the cold storage equipment utilised by commercial industries, commercial refrigerators are an essential piece of equipment for supermarkets, hotels, restaurants,  food stores, convenience stores and grocery shops. Designed to remove heat for both convenience and safety standards, commercial refrigerators help store and facilitate food and beverages at an optimum temperature. Below, we take a closer look at the role commercial refrigerators play across a number of vital industries. read more >

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How Can An Air Source Heat Pump Benefit Your Business?

With bitter winters and unpredictable summers, keeping your property at the right temperature can be difficult in England. What’s more, as a business or commercial enterprise, regulating the climate of a workplace can become costly and damaging to the environment if done inefficiently.

Fortunately, with advancements in technology and an increased understanding of our own duties to reduce carbon emissions and slow climate change, there are measures that can be taken to actively fight these issues. One solution that can have a positive impact on your business is the installation of an air source heat pump. read more >

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Why Choose Professional Air Conditioning Installation?

Air conditioning installation is a highly challenging service that requires years of knowledge, skills and experience to be carried out effectively. Improperly installed air conditioning units will lead to ongoing maintenance and inefficiency that will hamper productivity and impact utility bills, meaning the importance of hiring a professional air conditioning installation service is essential in ensuring effective installation.

Improved Air Quality

A professionally installed air conditioning unit is a surefire way of ensuring the ultimate air quality for your commercial building, generating a cool, fresh atmosphere and a comfortable environment that improves health and mood. Hiring a professional air conditioning installer will eliminate errors occurring in the process which could lead to poor air quality or energy inefficiency. read more >

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