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The Ultimate Guide To Keeping Your Server Room Cool

As a business that relies heavily on server-based systems, the server room is the life-blood of your enterprise. Therefore, it is crucial that your machines and server rooms are kept in the ideal environment; to ensure all of your equipment stays in good working order, it is essential that it is kept cool.

If machines and equipment overheat, it can have catastrophic consequences for your business; files, data, work and information could well be lost meaning major setbacks for the business and potential financial losses. read more >

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How To Maintain Your Commercial Refrigerator

Important in prolonging the lifespan of your commercial refrigeration unit, carrying out essential checks, routines and maintenance work will play a key role in ensuring your system remains effective, efficient and operational for the long term. Below, we highlight key methods to help maintain your commercial refrigerator.

Door Seals

Whenever you carry out inspections on your commercial refrigerator or freezer, an essential component of your maintenance checklist should include checking your door seals. Door seals are paramount in preventing warm air from making its way into your system and will prevent cold air from escaping. Using a powerful cleaning agent, you should scrub your refrigerator door seals at least every three to six months to keep your refrigerator seal clean and well-maintained, preventing a build-up of dirt and food debris. read more >

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Five Signs You Need Commercial Fridge Repair

Worried your commercial fridge is on its way out? For many vital industries, commercial refrigerators are an essential part of business, particularly for those in the restaurant, hotel and hospital sectors. In fact, a commercial refrigerator that suffers a complete breakdown will likely result in severe losses for your business, meaning knowing the vital signs of a system malfunction is even more important. Below, we highlight five key signs you need commercial fridge repair.

Excess Condensation

A vital sign that your commercial refrigerator is in need of maintenance or repair, an excessive build-up of condensation or frost inside your refrigerator is a key indicator that your commercial fridge is no longer operating as it should. If you suspect this is the case, you should examine your refrigerator’s rubber sealing as soon as possible. A malfunctioning commercial refrigerator will likely have a build-up of condensation, mould or mildew present on the refrigerator door’s rubber sealing, which can easily be replaced, however, if there is excessive condensation, this may be due to an issue with the temperature setting or a result of a lack of fridge maintenance. read more >

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3 Reasons Proper Office Ventilation Is Important

When it comes to an office space or work environment, it goes without saying that you want to make sure your employees are as comfortable and productive as possible. Sure, this means comfy chairs, great coffee and a friendly team, but there are also a number of other factors that play a role.

One element that is often overlooked is the sufficiency of ventilation in an office; airflow and quality play a significant role in the creation of a suitable workspace, impacting employee experiences in a number of interesting ways. read more >

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How Long Can a Freezer Stay Frozen Without Power?

Inevitably, power outages happen from time to time, and if you have a freezer full of food, this can have severe consequences for your food in the short term. How long must it be out for things to actually thaw? There are a few factors that are involved in determining this time.  The size of the freezer, the temperature it’s at, and how full the freezer is. Let’s take a closer look at how long a freezer can stay frozen without power.

How Long Is Food Safe In An Unpowered Freezer?

If your food is in a small fridge freezer, you can expect it to be safe for between 4-6 hours, usually. In a full-size freezer that is filled to the top, you can get 48 hours, but only 24 hours if the freezer is just half full. The more empty space there is in the freezer, the faster things will thaw. read more >

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Five Methods For Companies To Lower Their Carbon Footprint

How green is your company? At this point in time, most people are fully aware that their carbon footprint has an effect on the environment and you’ll need to be sure to adjust a few things. However, this also applies to companies and large businesses, because they actually have more of an impact than an individual person.

Hybrid Vehicles

If your business provides company cars to its employees, you have a big chance to reduce the problem. Just opt for a hybrid or even electric car for the company. This also applies if you have lorries to move things about and make deliveries. You can greatly reduce your carbon footprint this way. read more >

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Tips for Saving Energy on Air Conditioning

It’s wonderful to have an air conditioning system, but it can also get pricey. When you’re enjoying the cool air inside, it can end up costing far more than you expect. In fact, air conditioners account for roughly half of your energy bill each month during the summer and the average system uses 3.5 kw hours for every hour you keep the system on.

While you may not be willing to forgo the air conditioning, it’s important to look at what you’re spending and learn how to cut costs. We can help. Here are some of our best tips for reducing the energy cost of running your air conditioning this summer. read more >

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Why Your Pets Need Air Conditioning

As our climate changes and hotter summers and heatwaves become more commonplace, you’ll need to make sure your pets stay cool and that you provide for them if it’s getting too hot. Air conditioning can make a huge difference here, after all, it isn’t just for you and your family, it’s also invaluable for keeping your pets healthy and safe.

Regulate Temperature

If your animal is bred for colder climates, they are likely to be very uncomfortable in the heat. For example, Huskies are a breed of dog that is quite content to sleep outdoors in the snow. When the weather heats up, they can suffer. Any pet with long or fluffy fur can end up unhappy with more heat. It’s also important to keep animals with short muzzles comfortable, as they have more difficulty panting to cool themselves off. read more >

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Tips To Reduce Humidity In Your Home

Is your home humid? If there is a feeling of heaviness in the air, you may be suffering from excess humidity. This is fairly common in sealed homes and it can make you hot and uncomfortable.

There are other issues with excess humidity, as well. With this much dampness in the air, mould has the perfect conditions for growth. You may also notice that there is condensation on your windows and walls, which can cause structural damage. It may even short out electrical circuits if it gets into your outlets. read more >

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Frequently Asked Questions About Boiler Replacement

Problems with your commercial boiler can be disruptive to business operations, making for an uncomfortable workplace. With issues as varied as low boiler pressure, leaks and a lack of hot water for everyday tasks, there are plenty of telltale signs that a boiler replacement or repair may be in order. Mitchell’s are a trustworthy local service provider who can advise and assist on a number of problems within your workplace. Carrying out tasks such as installing refrigeration systems, repairing important ventilation appliances or carefully maintaining air conditioning and heating systems, you can rely on us for tailored facilities management and heating services all-year-round. read more >

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