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Essential Benefits Of Commercial Ventilation

An essential component of any commercial building, ventilation is necessary for providing a continual airflow into your building, reducing dampness, pollution and potential health risks in the process. Here, we look at some of the key benefits of installing commercial ventilation into your property or building.

Improved Health

Fitted with specially designed exhaust components that use a vacuum to effectively capture dangerous or toxic substances, commercial ventilation systems can prevent health problems, ranging from mild to severe. Industrial or manufacturing facilities are typically prone to the exposure of a variety of substances that are potentially toxic, from harmful gases, small particles and smoke, to toxic fumes and vapours, manufacturing plants can have a range of associated health risks. Continued exposure can lead to several illnesses or afflictions, including eye irritation, chest pains, siderosis, pulmonary edema or even cancer. read more >

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Commercial Refrigeration Maintenance: Explaining The Basics

Cleaning your equipment regularly and thoroughly can help prevent malfunction or breakdowns in the future, ensuring your commercial refrigerator is operating effectively. Below, we highlight key cleaning tips you should consider to prolong the efficiency of your commercial refrigerator.

Interior & Exterior

Cleaning both the interior and exterior of your refrigerator unit, preferably on a weekly basis, is a vital form of maintenance that should be scheduled and carried out regularly. Start by removing all the items from the interior of your fridge, placing them in a temporary storage facility if possible, and then scrub the shelves and surface of your refrigerator with warm water and soap or vinegar solution. Remove any drawers and shelving units, soak them in the sink for a while in soapy water and rinse when clean. The same is true for your refrigerator exterior, where a combination of warm water and vinegar works best for removing grease and stains. It’s important to use proper cleaning solutions for fridges with stainless steel exteriors, with a warm cloth without an abrasive edge preferred. read more >

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Three Reasons to Have your Air Conditioning Replaced in 2022

At the start of the year, people are looking for new ways to make their lives easier. You might not even know it, but having a new air conditioner could make your life a lot more convenient! The sole purpose of an air conditioner is to provide cold air inside a house or building by actually removing the humidity and heat of the indoor air. Having a new air conditioner is not only a crucial factor to how comfortable you are during the hotter times of the year but can also contribute to your utility bills. At Mitchell’s, we have the knowledge and expertise to give you a helping hand when it comes to any air conditioning design, maintenance and servicing. read more >

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The Unexpected Health Benefits Of Air Conditioning

An increasingly prevalent factor of our daily lives, air conditioning systems are vital for controlling the temperature and humidity of homes, workspaces, hospitals, shopping centres and more. Despite this, we often don’t take into consideration some of the real benefits of air conditioning systems, and how aside from the temperature regulation, they can act to reduce the risk of infection, disease and chronic illnesses. In fact, there is a long list of real health benefits provided via air conditioning systems, and here, we take a closer look at just some of the major advantages AC systems have on our collective health. read more >

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How to Make Your Retail Fridge Look Great: From Stock Rotation to Servicing

Running a cafe, restaurant or shop may require you to present stock in a commercial fridge or retail fridge. If this is the case, it’s important to ensure yours looks as good as possible in order to make your goods look tasty and maximise sales. Whether you stock freshly baked goods, fresh fruit and vegetables, meat or any other food or drink, making sure it looks good is an essential part of persuading people to buy the products. After all, your display fridge is what people are going to look at to decide what they’d like to buy. read more >

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Things to Consider When Cleaning your Commercial Fridge

Whether you own a catering or retail fridge, you need to ensure that cleanliness and hygiene is a top priority. Although cleaning your commercial fridge can seem like a mammoth task, it needs to be done. If you are wondering how you should go about cleaning your commercial fridge, then we have you covered with this ultimate guide. At Mitchell’s, we are the experts when it comes to repairing, installing and servicing commercial refrigeration.

Here are just a couple of things to consider when cleaning your fridge. read more >

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Five Key Signs You Require Air Conditioning Repair

If your air conditioning unit is starting to take a downturn in performance, there are several warning signs one should be aware of, to ensure that the appropriate repairs are carried out to prevent a system breakdown in the future. Here, we highlight five clear signs to be aware of should you believe your air conditioning unit is in need of repair or replacement.

Blowing Hot Air

If your air conditioning unit starts to blow hot air, this is often an indication of a problem with the compressor. The AC compressor is essentially a pump that drives the air conditioning unit and pushes the cold air out. If your unit is now only blowing hot air, or hardly any air at all, this is an indication of a compressor issue. If your compressor is working as it should, there’s a strong chance of a refrigerant leak somewhere in the system instead, meaning the air output is not being cooled as it should. read more >

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The Importance Of Good Ventilation In The Workplace

The importance of good ventilation in the workplace cannot be underestimated. Capable of regulating your temperature all year round and providing a constant and vital flow of air throughout your workplace, an effective ventilation system is essential. Here, we take a closer look at just some of the vital advantages of having good ventilation in your workplace, from improved health to reduced energy costs.

Control Energy Costs

Make no mistake, heating and ventilation require energy, and in doing so, there are always energy costs to consider, particularly as the cost of living rises in the UK remains a very real prospect. It’s important to balance your need for ventilation with your expected energy costs, to produce a safe, ventilated and cost-effective workplace for all. Fortunately, there are a handful of systems you can consider to help balance the costs of your energy with the need for good ventilation: read more >

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Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your HVAC System

Over time, every HVAC system becomes less efficient. This is usually due to dirt and grime getting into the system and reducing the airflow, so it’s important to clean the entire system at least once a year, if not more often. It’s a huge task, so many people try to outsource this to the professionals, but if you want to try cleaning it all on your own, this guide will walk you through the steps.

Step 1: Disconnect the HVAC System

Before you do anything else, you need to disconnect the energy to prevent any possible injuries. Look in your breaker box and flip the switch that powers the HVAC system. It should not be reconnected until you are completely finished the process and everything is back in place. read more >

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Everything You Need to Know About Freezer Rooms

Cold rooms are pretty standard for many restaurants, supermarkets, and labs, but freezer rooms are even more specific. These rooms are essentially giant freezers, usually operating several degrees below 0 to keep your items fresh and preserved.

How Does a Freezer Room Work?

A freezer room works very much like a smaller freezer, but with much more power. It’s designed to keep things very cold, so it requires more electricity, as well. There are a number of components that make up the freezer, including the compressor, which compresses the gas that refrigerates the room. read more >

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