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that work since 1905

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When Should You Have Your Heating System Repaired

Winter is the worst time to have your heating system stop working, but that’s often exactly when a breakdown occurs. Fortunately, if you pick up on the signs early enough, you won’t need to go without heat for long and your repair technician should be able to resolve the problem before it gets too bad.

Your Boiler Blows Cold Air

Put your hand to the vent and see if you are getting warm or cold air. When the boiler first starts up, it will likely push out cooler air, but it should rapidly warm up. If the cool air continues to blow, there’s something wrong somewhere and you need to have it seen as rapidly as possible. Cold air will do nothing to warm you up. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

Steps to Reduce Your Company’s Carbon Footprint

The world is in crisis and everyone needs to help out. This includes not only individuals but companies. How can your company reduce its carbon footprint and make better choices for the environment? There are many ways.

Start Recycling

If you don’t have a recycling program at your workplace, this is the first step to becoming more eco-friendly as a company. You just need to have the bins for each type of recyclable and everyone does their part by separating their rubbish. It’s a simple option, but something that will have a much larger impact on the world. read more >

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Signs the Humidity in Your Home is Too High

High humidity is an issue that occurs mostly in commercial venues where there is something happening to cause the high levels. However, it’s also possible to have high humidity in your home. This high level of moisture may cause any number of problems, including water damage where condensation builds up and drips down a wall, wood rot, and mould growing in rooms.

Not sure if your humidity is too high? You can always buy a device to check, but here are some of the usual signs that you need to turn on the air conditioner or otherwise dehumidify your home. read more >

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Find the Right Maintenance Company for Your Block of Flats

When you own an apartment building, it’s important to keep everything maintained. Your tenants have the right to a certain number of amenities, including heat. When the boiler stops working, it can affect everyone in the building. If it’s a frequent issue, you can expect to lose some tenants as they find better buildings that are properly maintained.

To keep the heat on and other services, as well, you’ll either need the skills to fix the boiler, air conditioning and anything else yourself or hire someone. read more >

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Features That Make Your Cold Room Even Better

Most cold rooms are fairly standard and boring. They feature shelves that hold food or items that you’re trying to keep cold. Is this the most efficient way to do things? What if there were some features that would make it even easier to stay organised in your cold room?

LED Lights

Forget the traditional light bulbs, which don’t survive the cold well and can be energy heavy. Instead, switch to LED, which can be just as bright as a regular light bulb. LEDs are cool to the touch, so they won’t warm up the space, even if left on for long periods of time. These lights should resist condensation, as well, so they won’t be blocked up with frost. read more >

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Create an Emergency Checklist for Your Workplace

Does your company have an emergency checklist? If not, you need to create one. While one person in the workplace may be aware of what to do in an emergency, you can’t guarantee that everyone else knows the steps to take.

Many workplaces hold fire drills and ensure fire safety, which is essential. However, a fire isn’t the only thing that can go wrong while everyone is at work. What other emergencies could occur? What do you want your employees to do in these cases?

Identify the Potential Issues in Your Workplace

First, look at anything that is potentially dangerous in the workplace. Aside from fire hazards, you may have chemical hazards or sharp items that could cause cuts and lacerations. Take a walk around the workplace and write down each potential hazard. read more >

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Keeping Your Commercial HVAC System Maintained Throughout Winter

With Halloween gone and daylight savings over, the winter days are going to become a problem very soon. Their arrival brings cold weather and long nights. So for your business, you should really think about your HVAC system. The temperature in the office is key to productivity. If temperatures are too cold your workers will be too busy shivering to concentrate on their jobs. Blast the heating too high and they’ll be sweating and distracted. By maintaining your HVAC system, your employees will be able to work in peace, knowing it’s warm enough to battle the winter chills but not too warm that they think summer is still in effect. read more >

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Food Storage Safety Tips for Commercial Kitchens

Commercial kitchens deal with bulk food items, high quantities of customer orders and have a responsibility to ensure safe food handling and storage. All of this requires a lot of planning and organisation to avoid food waste or lost profit. Whether you run a food truck, a fast-food restaurant or a school cafeteria, there are many ways to ensure safe food handling, day in and day out.

Here are our tips to maintain a profitable, safe and efficient commercial kitchen.

Food hygiene

When serving or preparing food for customers, clients and residents, you have a responsibility to ensure the food is safe. You do this by following the correct procedure for handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent food-borne illness. Commercial kitchens will be given a food hygiene rating between 1 and 5 stars that can show the public how good or bad your food handling is, so it’s vital that you adhere to food hygiene protocols. read more >

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How to Get a 5-star Food Hygiene Rating

A food hygiene rating is an important indicator to many customers regarding the quality of cleanliness of your food handling and can even help them form a decision about where they choose to eat. Not only is it vital to ensure the food prepared in your premises is high-quality and tasty, but also safe and hygienic to avoid food-related illnesses. Whether you run a top-quality restaurant or a school cafeteria, it’s vital that everyone who enjoys your food can do so knowing it was prepared in a safe and clean environment. read more >

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How to Create a Happy Office Work Environment

As some workplaces choose to go back to the office or implement hybrid options, it’s important to make your employees feel welcome and valued by creating a workplace that promotes health and wellbeing. This can be done in a multitude of ways by supporting their mental health, ensuring the office is physically comfortable and providing them with effective support.

Happier employees will miss fewer days of work because they aren’t weighed down by stress or illness so it’s worthwhile investing in their well-being to help improve productivity. read more >

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