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How to Reduce Your Company’s Carbon Footprint

In this day and age, sustainability and the environment are at the forefront of many people’s minds and rightly so! The environment is crucially important to the world we live in.

But how exactly does all of this apply to businesses? A huge number of businesses are seeking innovative ways to actively lower their carbon emissions in keeping with customer and employee demands. Lots of people are now becoming ever-increasingly conscious of environmental factors and wanting better and more sustainable ways of doing things. Companies that don’t evolve to these practices are sure to fall behind. Regardless of the size of your business, ensuring that you are mindful of environmental factors – is key. read more >

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How to Keep Your Business Running By Making Sure The Air Conditioning Is

Whether it’s summer or winter, your HVAC system is a vital part of running your business, helping to keep employees warm or cool depending on the season, filter the air and regulate the temperature of the office so workers aren’t chilly and sweaty within the space of a few hours. Does all this seem like a lot? That’s because your air conditioning systems are putting in an incredibly productive shift to help you out, using a lot of energy and potentially costing a lot to run.

Why You Should Monitor your HVAC System

The best way to make sure you’re getting the most out of your HVAC system is to make sure that it is maintained regularly. This will help it to run as efficiently as possible without the need for frequent repairs. Repair work can cost your business a lot of money, both in terms of spending money on repairs and the loss of revenue a faulty air conditioning system could lead to. No heat or cool air leads to poor working conditions and could even be unsafe at the heights of the different seasons. You can’t expect your employees to work when it’s minus 5 degrees outside and there’s no heating. Or if the office is like an oven in the middle of a heatwave with no cool air to help out. So with a few regular checks, you can reduce your expenditure and keep operating costs as low as possible, ensuring your HVAC system can run all year long without suffering an avoidable breakdown. read more >

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Do I Need a Bespoke Heating System?

You can outfit your flat or house with a regular heating system in many cases and it won’t make a huge amount of difference. However, there are times when a bespoke heating system is a much better option. If you have unique needs or a home that is more sustainable, then a bespoke system may be the best choice for you.

Here are a few of the reasons you may require a custom design for your space.

You Want Heated Floors

One of the most efficient methods of warming your home is through running hot water pipes or wiring through your floor to heat it up. As the heat rises, it uniformly heats the entire house and gives you the right level of warmth without using an excessive amount of energy. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

What to Look for When Choosing a Heating Company

If you’re looking for a heating company to manage your build’s heating needs, you shouldn’t hire the first one you find. There are multiple companies available and it’s essential that you get one that is trustworthy and will work with you to create the right solution for your situation.

Here are a few things to look for when choosing a heating company:

What are People Saying?

Look at the reviews other people have left for the company and check out their portfolio, if there is one. This will give you a good idea of what people think of them. While reviews aren’t always accurate, you will note if they are mostly positive or if there is a negative slant to the majority of the reviews. Either way, you’ll know more about the company than if you just hire them. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

Eco-Friendly Heating: What Are Your Options?

Everyone needs to stay warm in the winter, but if you’re trying to reduce your carbon footprint, what are your options? It can be frustrating to try and manage your heating needs while avoiding the types of heating that contribute to environmental issues.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to stay warm without ruining the environment. Let’s look at what your options are.

Electrical Heat

Did you know that electric heating is better for the environment than gas heating? The main reason for this is that more and more of the energy grid relies on renewable power sources. With the grid using wind and solar power, electricity is actually much better for the environment than it was just a few decades ago. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

What Type of Refrigeration Does Your Business Need?

Commercial refrigeration is used by many industries and businesses, but the type of refrigeration unit will depend on the industry and the needs of the individual business. You’ll need to know at least a little about the various types before you set up your own refrigeration, to ensure you’re looking at the right choices.

Cooling is necessary for such a wide range of industries that there must be multiple types of cold rooms and refrigerators. If you walk through a supermarket, you’ll see multiple options, for example. Upright freezers and fridges where you can get milk and frozen goods, open chilled chests for meat, open units where you’ll find vegetables and dairy products, plus chilled prep tables in the deli area. There are many options for all the various needs, so which ones do you need? read more >

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How to Maximise Your Restaurant’s Refrigeration Units

Every restaurant has refrigerators and freezers, but are you using them to their full capacity? Most restaurants don’t have a good system in place, so there are multiple refrigerators or a cold room that is simply not utilised properly.

With the tips here, you’ll be ready to get the most use out of your cooling units.

Plan Your Refrigeration

Before you set up your restaurant, you should estimate how much refrigeration you will need and then plan it carefully. It helps to have restaurant experience, but if you are new to the industry, talk to someone who has been running a restaurant for some time. They will make suggestions to help you create a more efficient system with your fridges and freezers. read more >

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How to Maintain Your Commercial Heating System

Heat is one of the many things people take for granted until they stop working. Your commercial heating system is certainly nice to have on a cold winter day, but if you don’t give it the attention and care it requires throughout the year, you may discover that it doesn’t work at some point.

Here’s how you can maintain your commercial heating.

Why Maintenance is So Important?

Much like a vehicle, your heating system or HVAC, is in need of care to ensure it continues to work smoothly. Without that care, you can expect it all to break down sooner or later. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

Signs Your Restaurant Refrigerator Needs Replacing

Restaurant refrigerators have to be pretty sturdy to put up with everything they need to. While many issues can be repaired, there comes a point in time when you really need to just remove the refrigerator and consider a new one.

How do you know that is the case? Let’s take a look.

Your Food Doesn’t Last as Long as It Ought To

If the food you place in the fridge is spoiling long before it’s supposed to, that indicates something is not right with the refrigerator. It’s not staying cool as it ought to and this is causing food to spoil faster. Attempt to lower the temperature, but if it still isn’t working, you need to repair the fridge or get rid of it. read more >

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How to Maintain Good Hygiene in Your Hotel

Impeccable hotel hygiene is important at any time but it’s even more vital in the age of Covid-19. A clean, hygienic hotel shows guests that you take their comfort and safety seriously and a dirty room or lack of hygiene facilities is a quick and easy way to a negative review.

All hotels should have a thorough cleaning rota in place but hygiene standards can slip, especially during peak busy periods. However, there’s no excuse to let bad hygiene ruin your guest’s experience or your business’s reputation, so see below for our top tips to maintain good hygiene in your hotel. read more >

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