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Why You Need Air Conditioning in Your Retail Space

Air conditioning can often be overlooked in the UK because we typically have cooler summers, however, AC can be hugely beneficial for industries like retail.

Here’s why you should invest in air conditioning for your retail space:

Enhance the customer’s experience

No customer wants to walk around a shop feeling hot and sweaty and more often than not, they’ll ditch the shop if it’s too warm inside. When you have a lot of people browsing your retail space the temperature can easily pick up on account of so many bodies inside. Creating a cool environment with plenty of fresh air will make the customer feel more at ease and much more likely to make a purchase, increasing your sales as a result. read more >

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How To Keep a Commercial Fridge Cold

Commercial fridges are an integral part of a professional kitchen and the last thing you need is for them to be underperforming, this can lead to contamination and food spoilage. So in order to keep your commercial fridge ticking over, you need to make sure you’re doing the right things to keep it cold.

Here are some tips to make sure your fridge does its job:

Don’t touch the thermostat

If you’ve noticed the temperature has risen in your fridge, you may feel the urge to change the thermostat to help regulate the temperature. This is going to increase the temperature because the mechanics of the fridge have now had to work even harder to lower the temperature. Unless the temperature is well above 4°C, leaving it alone is your best bet and will allow it to gradually regulate itself. read more >

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10 Ways to Reduce Energy Use in Your Business

It is in everyone’s best interests to reduce their energy use at home and at work, but if you own a business, you can do far more. Not only is it more cost-effective to lower the energy used in your business, but it’s also better for the environment.

Here are 10 ways to reduce your energy usage.

1. Involve Your Employees

Without the actions of your employees, it won’t be possible to do much with your energy. After all, they’re the ones who are using it in many cases and if they aren’t interested or motivated to help reduce the use, there won’t be much progress. read more >

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What to Consider When Building a Cold Room

Refrigeration has become not just a luxury, but a necessity in the world today. If you run a business that relies on food or other products that must be kept cold, you may want to consider moving on from multiple refrigerators and opting for a cold room.

What Is a Cold Room?

A cold room, quite simply, is a room that has a lower temperature than outdoors. This can be slightly cooler, like a refrigerator, or it could be much cooler and be more like a freezer. The amount of cooling will depend on the products being stored there.  read more >

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Is Your Air Conditioning Leaking? Know When to Get It Inspected

Ideally, when you first have air conditioning installed, you’ll sign up with a company that does maintenance, as well as the installation. The maintenance will make your AC last far longer than it would otherwise, so regular inspections are important, but you also need to keep an eye on your unit to ensure it’s not leaking or having any other issues.

How to Tell If the AC is Leaking

Refrigerant leaks are surprisingly common, but often people don’t realise that the issues they’re dealing with are actually a leak. Refrigerant leaks can cause all sorts of issues, including increased energy bills, poor cooling, and overly loud running. If you notice anything like this, it’s quite possible that you have a leak and should get the unit checked. read more >

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Four Signs You Need Air Conditioning Repair

As we enter the warmer summer months, many of us will rely on air conditioning to stay cool and comfortable. A reliable air conditioning system is particularly important if you work in an office or retail workspace, so what do you do if your air conditioner breaks?

Recognising the small warning signs is the best way to catch any issues before they escalate, so you can get the repairs you need. Don’t wait until your system completely breaks down, if you recognise any of the warning signs below, call an engineer as soon as possible.  read more >

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Spring Cleaning the Office: Decluttering, AC Maintenance and More

Spring is officially here! It’s time to start dusting off your cleaning gear and get your office ready for the months ahead. Whether you’re looking to blow away the cobwebs of winter or you simply want to give your office a good spruce, spring is the perfect time to give your workplace a much needed declutter. 

There are lots of benefits to giving your office a good spring clean; it can improve health and safety in your office and create a nicer working environment for your employees. If the annual spring clean is something that you dread, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with our Spring cleaning tips. Cleaning and organising your office space can seem like an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t need to be.  read more >

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Five Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Walk-in Refrigerator or Freezer

Whether you own a restaurant or run a commercial kitchen, it’s crucial that all of your equipment is in top condition. Cooking equipment and appliances require regular inspections to ensure they’re safe and efficient to use, and equipment should always be repaired and upgraded as soon as you start to notice any problems or signs of damage. One thing that many business owners fear hearing is that their walk-in refrigerator or freezer needs replacing. 

A walk-in fridge or freezer is an essential in any busy commercial kitchen; not only does it keep your ingredients cool and organised, but a walk-in cooler can help to boost the efficiency of your business and even help to reduce food waste. However, if your walk-in refrigerator is old or inefficient, you could be spending a lot more money than necessary to run it – not to mention the costly repairs and lost stock that you’ll be spending on too.  read more >

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Three Benefits of Installing Air Conditioning in Your Hotel Rooms

There’s nothing worse than sleeping in a stuffy room that is uncomfortably hot. When you stay in a hotel, you want to have a good nights sleep that’s undisturbed and for many guests, that means enjoying a cool breeze. If you don’t have air conditioning installed in your hotel rooms, you could be missing out on future bookings and high ratings.

Here are three benefits of installing air conditioning in your hotel rooms.

Guests will sleep better

Apart from the customer service, cleanliness and other factors, the quality of your guests’ sleep an important contributor to their overall experience. A good nights sleep could bump up a 2* review to a 5* all because you have air conditioning installed in your hotel rooms. Addin air conditioning is a great investment that could allow you to improve how your hotel rooms look and feel as well as  read more >

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Is Your Air Conditioning Working Properly?

There’s nothing worse than working in a stuffy office or boiling warehouse. But, despite many businesses having an air conditioning system installed, just as many will ignore maintenance requirements until the system needs replacing or is showing serious signs that attention is needed. A faulty system is not doing its job so always pay attention to how it’s performing.

In the workplace, air conditioning can make a big difference to your staff by keeping them comfortable and alert, but when your unit is in need of repair, the opposite effect can happen. So, how do you know if your unit is working properly? More often than not, you will experience warning signs and a change in the way the unit is operating. read more >

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