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that work since 1905

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Why Isn’t My Heating Functioning Correctly?

Your heating is an invaluable asset within the home, especially during the colder months of the year, so why go without? You may not even be aware of your heating system functioning at a declining rate, but this can result in thousands of pounds wasted over the course of a year period. Telltale signs of a malfunctioning central heating or radiator system include unfamiliar strange noises, inconsistencies in regular energy bills and unexplained damp patches where your pipework connects – simply read on for just some of the most frequent heating issues in 2023, outlined by your local experts at Mitchell’s. read more >

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Why Invest In Office Air Conditioning?

Air conditioning is a great addition to any workspace, though the stressful office environment is especially suitable when considering installation. Notoriously stuffy and cramped, an office without adequate temperature regulation is hardly likely to win any awards for employee satisfaction. Whether you’re decking out a brand new commercial space for Summer, upgrading existing appliances or making the most of Mitchell’s fantastic deals, read on and realise the varied benefits of office air conditioning as the months of 2023 roll past. read more >

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What To Look For in A Commercial Electrician

It can seem like there are hundreds of commercial electricians operating locally at any one time, making deciding upon just one professional a monumental task. Despite the sheer volume of trained experts within your vicinity, not all will retain the characteristics you’re likely searching for. From their reputation among clients, to value-for-money and service flexibility, let Mitchell’s guide you through just a sample of the attributes to seek when you hire a commercial electrician


Local reputation is a great way to gauge the reliability and quality of a local company, regardless of what they do. Happy customers will no-doubt leave reviews and testimonials, be it a restaurant, professional company or larger organisation. In terms of trustworthiness, you’ll struggle to find any competitors for Mitchell’s. Founded in 1905, we’ve built up a lofty reputation within the region, simply by offering a premium service which is tailored to each and every customer. Receiving countless 5 star reviews and glowing appraisals, we’re client-centric and loyal. read more >

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From Butter to Beef: What To Store in Your Catering Fridge

As a caterer, having a reliable and properly functioning catering fridge is essential to the success of your business. A catering fridge is specifically designed to store food and drinks at safe temperatures, ensuring that they remain fresh and ready to serve. However, it’s essential to know what to store in your catering fridge to maintain food safety and avoid cross-contamination. In this blog, we’ll discuss what you should store in your commercial fridge.

Raw Meats

Raw meat, especially poultry, beef, and pork, can contain pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria, which can cause foodborne illness if not handled and stored properly.Commercial refrigerators are designed to maintain a temperature below 40°F (4°C), which is the recommended temperature for storing raw meat. This temperature slows down the growth of bacteria, which helps to keep the meat fresh and safe to consume. read more >

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Do You Know What The Seven Benefits of Air Conditioning Are?

Missing those hot summer months? Air conditioning has become an essential aspect of our daily lives, especially during hot summer days. It’s a technology that cools the air and lowers the temperature in a room or building, making it more comfortable to stay in. While it’s often seen as a luxury, air conditioning has numerous benefits that make it a worthwhile investment. In this blog, we’ll explore the top benefits of air conditioning.

1.  Improved Indoor Air Quality

Air conditioning can significantly improve the quality of air indoors. It filters out pollutants, dust, and other allergens, creating a cleaner and healthier living environment. This is especially beneficial for people with respiratory problems, such as asthma and allergies. read more >

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Expert Air Conditioning Installation for Your Home

Installing air conditioning in your home is an excellent way to stay cool and comfortable during the hot summer months. However, with so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s why it’s essential to choose a company with expertise in air conditioning installation, heating & cooling, and air conditioning design.

In this article, we’ll explain why you should choose Mitchells for your air conditioning installation needs.

Ensures Proper Functioning

Installing an air conditioning system can be a complex process that requires a certain level of expertise to ensure that it functions properly. A professional installation by a team of experts, like Mitchells, will ensure that your air conditioning system is installed correctly, providing optimal comfort and efficiency. read more >

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Three Business Appliances You Should Upgrade This Winter

As we all fight with the current cost of living crisis many of us are trying to think of how we can save money here and there. Of course, there are a few obvious ways such as using the heating efficiently and cutting down on waste. Though many people gloss over the fact that our appliances are often some of the largest energy wasters in a business and upgrading them can drastically improve your efficiency. So, what are a few appliances which you should upgrade?

Retail fridge

The first item on this list might be an appliance that not every business will have, however, if your business uses one it is imperative to upgrade it as regularly as possible. Commercial fridges use a huge amount of energy and they are quite possibly one of the most expensive appliances to run. The technology with these items is constantly changing and improving so staying to date is imperative if you want to get the most out of the energy you use. So, if you can, you should try to upgrade your commercial fridge. read more >

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Regular Boiler Maintenance for Heating Systems

As winter sets in, the last thing you want is for your heating system to fail. Regular maintenance and checks of your boilers can help prevent unexpected breakdowns and ensure that your heating systems run smoothly and efficiently.

This article will guide you through the importance of boiler maintenance and why it’s crucial to have it performed by a professional.

Maintains Efficiency

Boiler maintenance is essential to keep your heating system running efficiently. Over time, boilers can become clogged with debris and buildup, leading to decreased efficiency and higher energy bills. Regular maintenance checks by a professional can help identify and resolve any issues before they become more serious, ensuring that your heating system continues to operate at maximum efficiency. read more >

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Maximising HVAC Efficiency with Duct Cleaning

The HVAC system is a vital component of any building, responsible for maintaining indoor temperature, air quality, and comfort. Over time, ductwork accumulates dirt, dust, and debris, affecting the system’s performance and efficiency.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of cleaning ductwork and how it can help to maximise HVAC efficiency, improve indoor air quality, and extend the life of your HVAC system.

Why is duct cleaning important?

Improved HVAC Efficiency

One of the primary benefits of cleaning ductwork is improved HVAC efficiency. Dirt, dust, and debris buildup in the ducts can restrict air flow, reducing the system’s ability to circulate air effectively. This can lead to increased energy consumption, higher utility bills, and a reduction in overall performance. Cleaning the ducts helps to restore proper airflow and can reduce energy costs by up to 21%. read more >

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How To Create An Efficient Home

The UK is currently facing one of the most challenging periods in modern history. The economic and cost-of-living crises are continuing to tighten their grip on our lives and finding ways to loosen this is, of course, extremely difficult. Many homeowners have turned to renting spare rooms out to earn some extra money or even switching their heating off completely. It goes without saying really that the bulk of this issue is down to the financial situation both the UK and most of Europe are battling with at the moment. However, until recently, the fairly manageable energy prices were, in fact, masking an issue which has been under the surface of British domestic life for some time. Inefficient homes. read more >

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