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that work since 1905

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The Ultimate Guide To Air Conditioning

It goes without saying really that air conditioning is a vital aspect of any home or office building. As temperatures rise there is nothing more distracting or uncomfortable than a home or building which remains extremely warm inside. For one, a warm inside temperature will reduce your productivity immensely. One study by Loughborough University claims that productivity can reduce by up to 35% if temperatures rise above 35 degrees. As climate change continues to progress this will become increasingly common so the importance of the AC will only grow. read more >

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Different Types of Fridges and Their Uses

We’re all guilty of walking to the fridge to find something that can stave our random cravings, only to find that it’s empty, which doesn’t stop us from going back 5 minutes later as if something will have magically appeared that wasn’t there before.

But fridges aren’t just made with our midnight cravings in mind, there are actually multiple types of fridges that all have their own purpose. We’ve listed three of these down for you below.

Medical Fridges

Foods and drinks aren’t the only items that need to be stored in the fridge in order to preserve their quality and useability/consumability, but certain medicines also require refrigeration. read more >

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How to Efficiently Use Your Catering Fridge

If you have recently joined the catering industry – perhaps you own your own little bistro or café – then you will likely be using a professional catering fridge in order to keep all your ingredients fresh. For efficiency, convenience and quality when cooking, it is important to keep your commercial fridge well-organised.

Here are our top tips on how to efficiently use and organise your catering fridge.


Shelf Order & Spacing

When storing food in your commercial fridge, it is best to have designated shelves for specific categories of food and ingredients. read more >

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How to Keep Warm During the Cost of Living Crisis

If you live in the UK, then it is more than likely that you are worried about or struggling with the cost of living crisis that we are currently experiencing. Household energy bills increased by an unsightly 54% this April, followed by a further 27% increase in October, so it is no wonder that people are hesitant to use their heating this winter where possible.

However, with temperatures expected to be dipping into the minus figures in various places across the nation at times this month, turning the heating on may be unavoidable, both for the sake of your health and to stop the pipes in your home from freezing. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

Reasons Why Your Commercial Property Needs a Heating System

Whether your commercial property is a small office building or a retail store, having a working heating system is important for the comfort of all individuals inside as well as to avoid structural issues in your building.

We’ve listed a couple of the top reasons why it is important to install a heating system in your commercial property, if you have not already done so.

1 | Comfort

Perhaps the most important reason why people use heating systems is because of the comfort they provide. This isn’t only true for domestic heating, but for commercial heating, as well. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

What is a HVAC System and Why Does Your Hotel Need One?

You may have heard the term HVAC being thrown around in place of air conditioning (it is a common system used in many buildings nowadays, afterall), however there is a difference between them. We’ll go on to explain exactly what they are, as well as their uses in a commercial environment – specifically hotels.

Keep reading to learn all you need to know about HVAC systems.

What Are They?

Let us first start by defining what HVAC means; HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. So, whilst air conditioning is included in HVACs, that is not what they are exclusively used for. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

Top Tips to Prepare Your Office Space for Winter

As the temperature is dropping and winter is in full swing, now is the perfect time to get your office space ready for winter.

Your employees dedicate lots of their time to being in the office, so it is important to create an environment which is warm, safe and productive.

In this blog, we share our top tips for preparing your office space for winter.

Why Do You Need to Prepare Your Office for Winter?

While you might think that turning on the heating is the only thing you need to do to prepare your office for winter, there are actually a few more things you can do to do to ensure your employees are kept as happy and comfortable as possible during the winter. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

Top 5 Ways to Reduce Your Office Carbon Footprint

With the joint effort of employees and managers alike, along with consistent education, fighting climate change by creating a carbon-neutral office environment is possible. Not only will you be positively impacting the environment, but you’ll certainly win the support of your employees and clients through your sustainable practices. Below are some of the key ways that your office can reduce its carbon footprint.

1.  Choose Energy-Efficient Lighting and Appliances

A simple yet effective way that you can work to make your office more environmentally friendly is by switching to lighting that requires less energy. Aside from opting for LED light bulbs, taking advantage of natural light is always a great idea. You could also install motion sensors that will switch lights off when not in use, as well as dimmable lights that can be adjusted to different situations and lighting requirements. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

3 Signs That Your Walk-In Freezer is Faulty

If you’re a commercial business that relies on a walk-in freezer, any issues that crop up could be detrimental to your bottom line. Though the costs of commercial freezer repairs can be off-putting, to ensure minimal disruption to your business it’s best to deal with walk-in freezer faults as quickly as possible. It may even save you a lot of hassle and money in the long run, as you’ll avoid the need for any more significant repairs down the line. Below are some of the most common signs that indicate a walk-in freezer is faulty, all of which should be quickly dealt with by a refrigeration specialist. read more >

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A Brief Guide To Duct System Analysis

Designed to identify potential problems in your duct system, a duct system analysis will help prevent breakdowns, with recommendations, repairs or replacements all carried out by an experienced technician.

Signs You Need Ductwork Repair

There are several vital signs to be aware of that may be an indication you require ductwork replacement or repair. Below we outline some of the key signs to be aware of:

Increased Costs

An immediately noticeable sign, a sharp rise in your energy bills is typically a result of energy inefficiency and could result from an issue with your ductwork. Should conditioned air be leaking from your ducts, your HVAC system will have to work even harder to reach and maintain the required temperature. With a downturn in your efficiency, your HVAC system will need to use more fuel than would ordinarily be necessary, which in turn, will impact your energy consumption and increase your bills. read more >

Posted in Blogs, Heating

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