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7 Straightforward Ways To Reduce Your Business Energy Costs

With the drastically increasing energy bills, finding ways to reduce your output and save where we can has been extremely important. This rise in energy costs has been impacting both domestic and commercial properties at a drastic rate. For commercial properties, there are a wide range of ways that energy usage can be reduced. We have picked out 6 simple ways you could try to reduce your energy output for your business! Keep reading to find out more.

Energy Costs & Business

The rising energy crisis has been detrimental to homes and thousands across the UK, however, the impact on businesses has not been addressed as much. read more >

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The Future Of Heating? For Your Home And Businesses

Unfortunately, we are in a global climate disaster, so looking for new heating options which are less harmful to the environment is a priority! This blog aims to inform you of these new options.

Future Homes Standard of Heating Systems

The UK government intends to implement a new Future Homes Standard in 2025, which would require that all newly built homes built after that time use low-carbon heating alternatives to gas boilers. Although there has been considerable uncertainty over whether these dates will alter, surveys still indicate that 2025 is the most likely year. read more >

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The Future Of Air Conditioning in Homes and Businesses

You may think that your AC system works perfectly well and it does not need renovating or redesigning. However, as we are in the midst of a climate crisis there doesn’t really seem like a better time than now to rethink AC Installations that emit far too much greenhouse gases and speed up global warming.

Why AC Conditioning Needs Rethinking

Although the fundamental physics behind air conditioners has not changed much since they were originally developed almost a century ago, the threat they pose to life on Earth is growing.

The majority of our current air conditioners employ hazardous chemicals – known as refrigerants – that trap heat in the environment, consume a tremendous amount of energy, and put pressure on electrical systems during the scorching summer months. Because of this, some scientists believe it’s time to alter how we cool our houses in addition to the many other structural adjustments needed to combat climate change, such as better insulating our homes and deploying batteries across the grid. read more >

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Radiators as Art: How Radiators Affect Your Interior

Radiators are often something painted over quickly or hidden as much as possible, however, there are heating systems which can appeal to your aesthetic taste as well as being practical for keeping you warm.

Although radiators can be aesthetically pleasing, it is wise to remember that you will still need to choose one that meets your heating requirements first and foremost. Not only that, but you will still need to enlist the help of commercial electricians or heating experts to fit your new radiator. read more >

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Three Ways Air Conditioning Can Benefit Your Health

With the UK summers getting progressively hotter each year, many people are starting to consider installing air conditioning (AC) in their homes and workplaces to stay cool and better handle the heat – these HVAC systems can also be used to heat your home/office in the winter, so they’re certainly a worthwhile investment!

This isn’t the only reason why you may wish to invest in air conditioning, however. Did you know that it can actually benefit your health? Yep, you read that right. Read on below as we discuss three of the ways in which air conditioning can be beneficial to your health and wellbeing. read more >

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Keeping it Cool: A Brief History of Refrigerators

In today’s day and age, refrigerators are a part of our everyday life. Whether we’re storing fresh ingredients, snacks or leftovers, they play an essential role in the way we store and eat our food; but how long have they actually been around, and how would people store their food before the fridge was invented?

Read our blog to learn more about the history of refrigerators.

The First Refrigerator

Before the fridge was invented, people would have to store their food in places that were naturally cooler, be that a cave or a stream, evolving to then being placed in cellars and clay containers. There was then the use of ice boxes, which referred to an insulated wooden crate that contained ice to keep foods cold, and ice chests, which used three separate boxes (the top filled with ice, the middle with food and the bottom tray to catch the water as the ice melted) in a similar method. read more >

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Why You Need to Invest in a Commercial Fridge for Your Independent Food Business

As an owner of an independent food business, be it a café or a catering service, you’ll have to pick and choose where you should invest your money in order for it to offer the most beneficial return for your business. We wholeheartedly believe that one such of these investments should without a doubt be a commercial fridge.

Since the food you offer plays an integral part in your business, it’s only right that you preserve this food efficiently so that it stays at its best quality when it’s served to your customers – a commercial fridge is best for this. read more >

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Is Air Conditioning Viable In My Building?

Maintaining a comfortable environment in your building is essential for the well-being and productivity of its occupants. When it comes to building management, one crucial aspect to consider is the heating and cooling system. In particular, the question arises: Is air conditioning viable in my building? In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and considerations associated with installing an air conditioning system, helping you make an informed decision for your facility.

The Importance of Temperature Control

Proper temperature control is essential for any building. It not only ensures a comfortable indoor environment but also has a significant impact on energy efficiency. Air conditioning systems are designed to regulate temperature and humidity levels, providing a pleasant atmosphere for occupants throughout the year. By maintaining a consistent temperature, you can enhance occupant satisfaction and productivity. read more >

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Misconceptions About Commercial Refrigeration Systems

Commercial refrigeration systems play a crucial role in various industries, from restaurants and supermarkets to medical facilities and laboratories. However, there are several misconceptions surrounding these systems that can lead to inefficient operations and unnecessary expenses. In this blog post, we will debunk some common misconceptions about commercial refrigeration systems and shed light on the importance of proper building management, heating and cooling, and maintaining commercial fridges. read more >

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Breathing Easy? – Air Quality & The Climate Crisis

The phrase “climate crisis” has become a throwaway term in recent years, as we all become oversaturated with warnings that our planet is in decline. Designed to replace the more placid “climate change”, the alternatives of “crisis” or “climate emergency” are designed to prompt immediate action, before irreversible damage is inflicted on our world.

As global disasters begin to unfold at an increasingly pressing rate, it is clear that we’re already in the midst of a climate crisis. Immediate, tangible consequences of this include the notable changes to temperatures and air quality that are bound to impact everyday life across the globe. read more >

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