Creating environments
that work since 1905

Essential Benefits Of Commercial Ventilation

An essential component of any commercial building, ventilation is necessary for providing a continual airflow into your building, reducing dampness, pollution and potential health risks in the process. Here, we look at some of the key benefits of installing commercial ventilation into your property or building.

Improved Health

Fitted with specially designed exhaust components that use a vacuum to effectively capture dangerous or toxic substances, commercial ventilation systems can prevent health problems, ranging from mild to severe. Industrial or manufacturing facilities are typically prone to the exposure of a variety of substances that are potentially toxic, from harmful gases, small particles and smoke, to toxic fumes and vapours, manufacturing plants can have a range of associated health risks. Continued exposure can lead to several illnesses or afflictions, including eye irritation, chest pains, siderosis, pulmonary edema or even cancer.

Reduce Pollution

Pollution can very easily make its way into your commercial building, particularly those close to commercial sites, with the possibility of dangerous fumes, chemicals or toxins finding their way into the interior of your commercial property. Emissions generated by external pollution, such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide or nitrogen can all have a damaging effect on our health. Commercial ventilation systems help filter these toxins, flowing fresh outdoor air into your building, flushing out the toxins within.

Economic Advantages

Commercial ventilation systems can help save costs in the long term, with damp prevention and a reduction in pollution and poor air quality helping to improve employee health, cutting down sick days in the process. Better air quality and healthier, happier employees will ultimately lead to fewer sick days and better productivity, benefitting employees who may be particularly affected by poor ventilation, due to respiratory conditions, asthma or other long-term illnesses.

Temperature Control

An overcrowded, stuffy working environment is no fun for anyone, with a confined or congested space quickly leading to overheating and discomfort among employees. Commercial ventilation can help control the temperature of your working space, allowing for much greater airflow, cooling down the environment considerably faster, creating a much more relaxed and comfortable working environment in the process.

Damp Prevention

Any environment with poor airflow or ventilation will inevitably lead to a build-up of moisture and humidity, eventually resulting in dampness. As moisture is released into the air, condensation builds, and if this is not countered by a good ventilation system, this condensation will settle on your interior walls, resulting in dampness and mould.

If you’re looking for air conditioning or HVAC installation in Gloucester for your commercial or industrial building, look no further than Mitchell’s. Modern air conditioning technology is even more complex than it used to be, but also makes the heating and cooling of your office more efficient. We have all of the necessary knowledge and experience to install the right air conditioning system which meets your needs and will be completed professionally and efficiently. Get in touch with our expert team today.

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