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Five Methods For Companies To Lower Their Carbon Footprint

Five Methods For Companies To Lower Their Carbon Footprint

How green is your company? At this point in time, most people are fully aware that their carbon footprint has an effect on the environment and you’ll need to be sure to adjust a few things. However, this also applies to companies and large businesses, because they actually have more of an impact than an individual person.

Hybrid Vehicles

If your business provides company cars to its employees, you have a big chance to reduce the problem. Just opt for a hybrid or even electric car for the company. This also applies if you have lorries to move things about and make deliveries. You can greatly reduce your carbon footprint this way.

Hybrid Working

If your employees are working at home most of the time, their impact on the environment will be less. There’s no driving to work or extra overhead and electricity. However, you may need to downsize the office, since heating or cooling space for three people that are built for twenty is still wasteful.

It’s also preferable to hold your meetings online instead of going to see a client face to face. This may not always be possible, but it is certainly an option sometimes. Every little adjustment will help you reduce the carbon footprint of the company.

Improve Air Conditioning

An updated air conditioning system will help you save energy and reduce the overall carbon footprint of the space. It’s very important to keep your workers happy and comfortable, but you can do this without causing massive pollution. To reduce energy, use small amounts at first, find out what temperature your employees are comfortable with and adjust accordingly. Then you can keep it at a comfortable level, which is often a few degrees higher than what you might suspect. Even a few degrees can have major effects on your power bill and the overall effect of the system.

Go Paperless

Sometimes, it’s necessary to have paper for a company task, but for the most part, you should be able to do everything digitally. These days, it’s even possible to send the receipts for purchases by email. The end result is that you’ll have enormous savings both in money and in carbon emissions.

Are you ready to start improving your company’s eco-footprint? While adding a recycling program and reducing energy use is great, you may want to look at even more ways to make your business eco-friendlier.

Mitchell’s offers temperature control systems designed to reduce your carbon footprint. Contact us today to learn more.

Posted in Blogs

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