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Five Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Walk-in Refrigerator or Freezer

Whether you own a restaurant or run a commercial kitchen, it’s crucial that all of your equipment is in top condition. Cooking equipment and appliances require regular inspections to ensure they’re safe and efficient to use, and equipment should always be repaired and upgraded as soon as you start to notice any problems or signs of damage. One thing that many business owners fear hearing is that their walk-in refrigerator or freezer needs replacing. 

A walk-in fridge or freezer is an essential in any busy commercial kitchen; not only does it keep your ingredients cool and organised, but a walk-in cooler can help to boost the efficiency of your business and even help to reduce food waste. However, if your walk-in refrigerator is old or inefficient, you could be spending a lot more money than necessary to run it – not to mention the costly repairs and lost stock that you’ll be spending on too. 

To help you save some money and keep your business running as efficiently as possible, here are five signs that it’s time to replace your walk-in refrigerator or freezer. 

There’s been a spike in your utility bills

It’s always a good idea to keep a close eye on your bills. If they suddenly shoot up, this is often an indication that something in your building is using up more energy than usual – and this is usually down to a fault or an inefficient system. If you’ve noticed that your utility bills have been rising each month, it could mean that the insulation of your walk-in cooler is diminishing. This can be problematic for a number of reasons; it’s likely that heat has been seeping into your cooler and cold air has been escaping, which will cause your cooler to use extra energy in order to regulate the temperature. 

High utility bills could also be caused by a broken thermostat or a faulty motor that’s causing the cooler to use more energy than usual, as it’s unable to regulate the temperature correctly. Either way, you’re likely spending a lot more money than necessary on bills, so it’s important to call in a professional to take a look at the problem for you. 

You’ve noticed a buildup of frost or ice

A buildup of frost or ice is never a good sign. In fact, if you find yourself regularly having to scrape frost out of the freezer or you’ve noticed ice forming in your fridge, it’s time to take some action. Frost and ice can affect the freshness of your items and can result in having to throw perfectly fine food away. Often, ice forming in your freezer is a result of excess moisture. This excess moisture is typically caused by air leaks between panels or other cooler components; these air leaks can cause the temperature to rise and lead to excess moisture. 

The best way to identify the cause of the problem is to get in touch with a commercial refrigeration company. They’ll be able to advise you on the best steps to take and can install a new, efficient walk-in cooler for you. 

Food goes off before its expiration date

As a business owner, it’s important that you do everything you can to reduce your food waste. Walk-in refrigerators and freezers can help to prevent food waste, but if there’s a problem or they’re not working correctly, they could actually be causing more harm than good. If you’ve noticed that different foods seem to be going off before their expiration date, this is a sign that there’s a problem with your cooler – and a replacement could well be on the cards. 

Throwing away food that has spoiled before it’s expiration date is frustrating, costly and bad for the environment, so it’s important that this issue is addressed as soon as possible. It’s highly likely that there’s an operation problem within your cooler, and this problem should be evaluated by a professional company. 

Your walk-in cooler struggles to regulate its temperature 

Your walk-in refrigerator or freezer should run smoothly and efficiently; if you’ve noticed that it’s working extra hard to regulate its temperature or there are loud sounds coming from your cooler, you’ve got a problem on your hands. Your walk-in fridge should be able to regulate the temperature with no problems at all; if it’s struggling and the temperature fluctuates regularly, it’s time to get a professional in to take a look at the problem. 

Temperature fluctuation can be an indication of lots of different issues, but the most common reasons include a broken thermostat or insulation failure. In order to keep your food fresh and safe to eat, it needs to be stored at the correct temperature. If the temperature is constantly fluctuating, we recommend having your walk-in cooler inspected and replaced as soon as possible. 

Your walk-in refrigerator leaks 

If you’ve noticed puddles of water in or around your walk-in refrigerator or freezer, you should never ignore them. All leaks, no matter how big or small, are an indication of a bigger issue and should be inspected right away. A leak will never go away on its own, so it’s crucial that the problem is addressed as soon as possible. 

Stagnant and standing water is not only an indication that the seals of your fridge may be damaged, but it can also lead to lots of other problems too, from the accumulation of ice to a buildup of mildew and mould, which your fresh food should never be around. Mould and mildew can not only lead to lost inventory, but it can cause health inspection problems too, which could ultimately damage the reputation of your business. 

It’s always best to call in a professional as soon as you notice a leak or any standing water in or around your walk-in refrigerator; this could save you lots of money down the line. 

How to find a reliable commercial refrigeration company 

If you’ve noticed any of the above signs, it’s important that you get in touch with a commercial refrigeration company to take a look at the problem for you. Ignoring problems can lead to a loss of money and even business downtime, so it’s important to address any issues as you come across them. Here are some quick tips for finding a reliable commercial refrigeration company: 

  • Read online reviews. A great way to work out whether a company is trustworthy or not is to take a look at online reviews. A reliable company should have lots of positive reviews from customers and a great reputation. 
  • Ask around for recommendations. Word of mouth is one of the best recommendations, so don’t be afraid to ask around. If you know other business owners, ask where they got their walk-in refrigerator or freezer from. If they’ve had a good experience with a company, they should be more than happy to recommend. 
  • Choose a company with plenty of experience. When it comes to your business, you don’t want to work with inexperienced companies and suppliers. When selecting a refrigeration company, make sure they have plenty of experience and that they’ve worked with businesses similar to yours before. Remember, a reliable company will be able to answer all of your questions and address any concerns you may have. 

Mitchell’s: Commercial Fridges in Gloucester For All Industries

If you’re looking for reliable commercial refrigeration services, you needn’t look further than Mitchell’s. We’re a specialist refrigeration company operating in Gloucester. We work closely with a number of businesses in a wide range of industries, and we’re proud of our excellent reputation that we’ve built over the years. 

Our skilled and qualified team has a wide range of experience and knowledge both installing and servicing retail and restaurant fridges in Gloucester. Whether you’re looking to purchase a retail fridge or you want to install a walk-in freezer, we’ve got you covered with our services. 

To learn more about us and our services, visit our website or get in touch with us today.

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