Creating environments
that work since 1905

How to Create a Happy Office Work Environment

As some workplaces choose to go back to the office or implement hybrid options, it’s important to make your employees feel welcome and valued by creating a workplace that promotes health and wellbeing. This can be done in a multitude of ways by supporting their mental health, ensuring the office is physically comfortable and providing them with effective support.

Happier employees will miss fewer days of work because they aren’t weighed down by stress or illness so it’s worthwhile investing in their well-being to help improve productivity.

Here’s how to create a positive and happy work environment.

Create a comfortable office

Your employees need to be physically comfortable to ensure they can get the best work done. Poor quality chairs and desks will only lead to back pain and discomfort so invest in ergonomic setups that promote good posture. It’s also a good idea to invest in good heating and air conditioning systems as employees don’t want to be too hot or too cold and extreme temperatures in the summer and winter can lead to an uncomfortable office climate.

Host team-building activities

Let your employees know how valued they are by planning events that are also team-building activities. Having a productive and positive workplace is only possible with strong communication and good work relationships. If your employees can’t get along with each other it only leads to stress and anxiety which is not conducive to a happy workplace. Take your team out for trips or activity days that are designed to form strong bonds. Not only will they have a lot of fun, but they’ll also be grateful for a break and they can form relationships they wouldn’t otherwise be able to build in an office environment.

Deliver praise and recognition

Often, employees aren’t told how well they are doing their jobs. Most communication between managers and employees regarding performance is negative or critical. Rather than only having meetings with employees if they have done something incorrectly, let them know when they’ve done something great. By offering regular praise and recognition, your team will be excited and eager to contribute to the wider company initiatives and be more proactive in their roles.

Make work fulfilling

Nobody wants to turn up at their job every morning and feel like what they’re doing has no meaning or purpose. By creating a work environment that is fulfilling and positive, your employees will turn up every morning excited for the day. Ensure all employees know how each department works and what they do to fulfil company goals. You could also partner with a local charity to help your employees feel as though they are giving back to the community.

Mitchell’s provides varied and comprehensive building services to commercial clients to help you create the perfect workplace and contribute to happy employees. We offer air-conditioning installation, service, and repairs and bespoke heating system design and installation to ensure a comfortable office environment. To learn more, visit our website.

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