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How to Keep a High Morale in Your Office This Summer

Before we know it, the hot summer months will hit us. These few months are often heralded as the best months of the year, where we’re able to bathe in the limited hot weather that the UK has to offer. Whether it be holidays, festivals, pub trips or BBQ’s, it’s difficult to not get excited about summer! However, whilst the summer does present a lot of opportunity for fun, this doesn’t mean that the whole world doesn’t just stop turning on its axis. Work still needs to be done, and it can often be a difficult task motivating employees and staff to complete their tasks. With so many distractions that the summer has to offer, there is always the risk that employees take their foot off the gas. Fortunately, there are a number of ways in which you can keep morale within the office high to boost productivity! If you operate a business and you’re looking for ways to keep morale high throughout the summer months, then this blog is for you!

Whether it be air conditioning installation or hosting summer parties, here are just a few things you can implement in your office which can not only boost productivity, but make your office environment a more enjoyable place to work! Find out more below!

Summer Party

One of the best ways you can maintain a high morale is by hosting a summer party. Whilst you might be familiar with hosting Christmas parties, summer parties can also be used as an effective way to boost relationships within the office environment. There are a whole host of activities that you can organise, from bowling, darts, mini golf or just a casual BBQ! Team bonding exercises such as this are important because your employees won’t just see the people they work with as colleagues, but friends too. If you’re entering an environment where you’re comfortable with the people you work with, then it’s highly likely that you’ll feel much happier going to work every morning.

Working in an office environment can sometimes be mundane and tedious, which can potentially damage employees’ morale and productivity. Instead, having something to look forward to can just be that little bit of motivation to put in some extra work! For companies that rely heavily on hitting targets, you could always use a summer party as an incentive for achieving that goal. If you’re a company that adopts the ‘work hard, play hard’ approach, then this is definitely something you could implement!

Air Conditioning Installation

Whilst it might not be common, the UK does have a tendency to have really hot weather in the summer months. In fact, MetOffice stated that 2022 was the warmest year on record for the UK, with two days in July exceeding 30°C. If this year is anything like last year, then it’s fair to say that we’re in for another scorching year! With that in mind, it’s important to think about how this hot weather can impact not only your office environment, but your employee’s well being too. Being hot and bothered is something that can really impact employee morale in your office environment, so it’s essential that this is looked into. In office environments, employees are usually required to sit in the same spot all day for hours, therefore it’s integral that they feel comfortable. In order for clean air to permeate around your office, air conditioning installation could be your best friend this summer. Even if your office has windows, it can be a difficult job keeping your office fully ventilated and cool. If your employees find the office environment uncomfortable and too hot, then this can have a detrimental impact on their morale. Instead, consider air conditioning installation so that they can carry on their work in a cool environment. With so many different air conditioning systems out there, it can be difficult selecting the right one for you and your business. At Mitchells, we have a wealth of experience under our belts meaning that we’re able to provide you with expert advice on what is the best AC unit for you.

Early Finish Fridays

For so many of us, we’re counting down the days, hours and maybe even seconds until we finish work on Friday afternoon. Whether you’ve got plans to have a Pimms in your hand or you’re ordering a takeaway at home for a chilled evening, that Friday feeling is something that we can all appreciate. As such, why not consider implementing early finish Fridays into your office? Not only can this improve employee morale within the office, it shows to your employees that you value the work they have produced and delivered that week. If employees are rewarded with an early finish, then it’s likely that they’ll repay you back by bringing their A-game to work every day. Having low morale within the team can not only impact the quality of work being produced, but you might also see a knock-on effect in terms of staff retention too, so little changes like this can definitely go a long way in the hot summer months!

Relaxed Dress Code

This may depend on whether your business is client-facing, but there is always the possibility of introducing a relaxed dress code. Wearing suits, formal dresses and smart attire isn’t exactly purpose-built for hot weather, so why not allow employees to wear their own clothes which they deem to be more comfortable? Although insisting on a strict dress code might look professional on the surface, it can have a negative impact on staff morale. The synthetic fibres from smart shirts and suits aren’t very breathable either, which ultimately means that you perspire more. Let’s be honest, no one likes the look of sweat marks, do they? Instead, it could be a good idea to allow your employees to wear more summery clothes that are more breathable. If you’re concerned about what sort of clothes your employees might wear, then it might be worth having a discussion about what is and isn’t allowed, just so there is no confusion. Having a relaxed dress code alongside air conditioning can be the perfect way to boost the spirits in your office environment this summer!

Friday Quiz

If you’re looking for a quick, easy and somewhat competitive way of enhancing the morale within your office, then doing a friday quiz could be the perfect solution! Devising a short quiz for your employees to participate in each week can be a welcomed distraction and also boost friendships too. To spice things up even more, it could be a good idea to create a leaderboard so that you know who’s leading and who isn’t performing as well! Again, this is just one more activity you can implement in your office to make it a nicer place to work. When employees make the mundane commute into your office, it’s likely that they’ll be looking forward to come into work rather than dread it!

Mitchells, Providing an Expert Air Conditioning Service

Searching for ‘ac maintenance gloucester’ or ‘air conditioning installation gloucester’? Look no further than Mitchells! We’re a company that understands the importance of having an office environment which is cool and comfortable, and we know how much this can have an impact on employee morale. That is why we hold strong values when it comes to delivering high-quality air conditioning solutions to all of our customers. Owning a state-of-the-art air conditioning system can make the world of difference in an office environment, which is why it’s important that you choose the right one for you. At Mitchells, our expert team are on hand to help you find the perfect system for you and your needs. We don’t just specialise in air conditioning design, but we can also service and maintain them too.

Based in Gloucester, you can count on us to provide you with an air conditioning unit that is reliable, durable and will stand the test of time. With over one hundred years of experience, you can have complete confidence that our expert team will go above and beyond to ensure that you are fully satisfied with our services. As well as AC maintenance, we also provide services related to refrigeration, heating, commercial ventilation and ductwork manufacturing. To find out more about the products and services we offer, then simply get in touch with our team on 01452 302206!

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