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How To Keep Cool This Summer – Tips From The Experts

Temperatures in the UK are getting hotter and hotter. Summer is fast approaching, and we are consistently seeing temperatures hit the mid-20s. If last year is anything to go by, we could soon see this rise into the 30s and maybe even hit 40!

The question we ask ourselves year after year is how to deal with these temperatures. When it is hot it can seem impossible to cool down sometimes, which can be very hard to deal with.

Read on to find out a few great methods to keeping cool this summer, both at home and at work.

Why Do We Find Heat Unbearable?

Most people don’t cope well in the heat. Heat illnesses such as heatstroke and heat intolerance are very common conditions that occur in warm environments, making the person feel uncomfortable and sweat excessively. The hot weather causes the body’s temperature to increase, making it a lot harder for an individual to regulate their temperature.

This can lead to excessive sweating, headaches, sunburn, cramps, dizziness and rashes. While some of these symptoms are minor, they can make a person very uncomfortable, leading to mood changes and physical symptoms becoming worse as they fixate on the heat.

When it is this hot and the body is working extra hard to regulate the temperature, it can be hard to focus on anything else. This can make working and other activities a lot harder to do when it is hot.

Here are some tried and tested methods to stay cool.

Keeping Cool At Home

1.   Keep Your Blinds & Windows Closed

While you may want to let the sunlight stream into your house when it’s nice out, keeping your blinds and curtains closed is a recommended method if you wish to keep your house cool. Closed blinds help to deflect the heat away from your home before it gets in, overall keeping your home a bit cooler.

Another way people let a lot of heat into their homes is by keeping the windows open. While it may seem nice to have a breeze, this just allows the warm air into your home. Try to keep your windows closed when the air outside is at its warmest, then open the windows in the morning and evenings to allow cooler air into your home.

2.   Using Fans

While many argue that fans just push hot air around a space, that doesn’t mean they don’t provide relief from the warmth! Even if the air is just being pushed around, sitting near a fan can provide you with a cooling breeze. To make the breeze even cooler, try setting up a bowl of ice in front of it!

3.   Go Outside

While the weather outside might be warm, your house might feel even warmer. So to keep cool at home, you might want to hang out in the garden or another outside space. If you don’t want to be directly in the sun, stick to the shaded areas. The fresh air will also do you some good, rather than sitting inside breathing in tons of hot, stuffy air.

4.   Cook/Eat Outside

Kitchens can get very hot. Putting on the oven or the hob can add a ton of heat to an already hot room. Avoid this by eating meals that you don’t have to cook, such as salads. You could also instead cook outside, such as having a BBQ. Instead of eating inside, take your dinner outside where there might be a lovely breeze for you to enjoy.

Keeping Cool At Work

1.   Stay Hydrated

While you should also apply this tip when keeping cool at home, many people forget to drink as much water while at work. Dehydration is much more common in summer, as people are sweating a lot more. A great tip is to not wait until you’re thirsty, but instead make sure you have some water at regular intervals throughout the workday.

If you’re not a fan of water, try to drink plenty of fluids that will keep you hydrated. While cold drinks like iced coffee can still be cooling, try not to consume too much caffeine! Juices and squash are great ways to stay hydrated when you are not a fan of the taste of water.

2.   Turn Up The AC

Most homes in the UK are not blessed with air conditioning, however, a lot of workplaces are! While a temperature of around 22°C is the typical temperature many AC units run at, there is no reason why you can’t adjust the temperature when it’s a bit warmer. Proper air conditioning will help keep your working environment cool, reducing the risk of sweating and not being able to regulate your temperature as much. This will allow you to work in a comfortable environment, improving productivity.

3.   Close The Blinds

A lot of offices feature a lot of glass to let the sunshine in. And while it can look beautiful and modern, all this glass is allowing a lot of heat to enter the building. Combat this by closing the blinds where the sun is shining directly in. This will stop the room from heating up as much and keep you at a pleasant temperature, especially if the sun is shining directly on you through a window. Concentrated sunlight like this will heat you up very quickly, plus the glare might affect you from working at your best.

4.   Dress For The Weather

If your office doesn’t have a strict dress code, make sure you wear clothes that will keep you cool. Shorts, t-shirts and skirts are all ideal choices, and make sure you also wear bright colours, loose-fitting and lightweight clothing. Lightweight clothes allow for airflow to the skin which will help you cool down while wearing light and bright colours will stop your clothes from absorbing heat. Avoid black at all costs, as this is the colour that will absorb the most heat.

If you’re going to be outside a lot, a hat is a great accessory to wear. This can keep the sun off your face, ears and neck. A wide-brimmed hat offers the most protection, but even a baseball cap can give you a lot of protection. You should also make sure you put sunscreen on daily, as while it won’t cool you down it will stop you from getting a sunburn, which can be painful to manage!

If your work does have a formal or semi-formal dress code, this doesn’t mean you can’t keep cool. Try picking formal options made from lightweight materials such as linen. This makes you still look professional, but can keep you cool. You could also commute to your workplace in a less-formal outfit and change once there. This will prevent you from wearing a warm outfit while you’re commuting and in direct sunlight. A lot of people worry about sweating through their clothes on the way in and looking unprofessional, and this can prevent this from happening.

5.   Hair

Your hair can play a big part in keeping you cool. If you have long or thick hair, there is a lot of weight on the top of your head which can warm you up. You may want to consider getting a summer trim if you’re feeling warm or getting it thinned out if you want to keep your long hair. If you don’t want to sacrifice your current hair, tying it up can help a lot! But remember if you tie it up, you’re leaving your neck exposed, so remember to put some cream on it!

AC Servicing In Gloucester From Mitchells

Keep cool this summer by keeping your air conditioning working at its best. Here at Mitchell’s, we offer affordable air conditioning design, installation and ongoing servicing for commercial customers. Air conditioning can help to keep you and your workers at optimal temperatures, keep perishable stock at the ideal conditions and overall increase productivity.

Mitchells can help you find complete control of your environment, ensuring your building or premises stays at the right temperature. We can design and install HVAC systems for all kinds of environments, including offices, computer suites and warehouses of all shapes and sizes.

Our highly-skilled engineers can then provide maintenance and servicing, ensuring that your system stays in the best possible condition for years to come. As well as air conditioning, we can assist with commercial refrigeration and ventilation, offering a complete package for businesses in need of all of this.

If you’d like to enquire about any of our services, get in touch with Mitchells today!

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