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that work since 1905

How To Start Your Own Successful Restaurant

It is the dream of many food lovers across the country and we can hardly blame them really. Starting your very own restaurant is one of the most rewarding things you can do in life and there are, of course, many reasons for this. First of all, you will get to make people smile every day with the amazing food which you and your team serve up. Second of all, you can challenge yourself. Creating your own unique menu and perfecting styles and tastes is of course a tricky business but that is why it is so fun. You can push the boundaries all while creating delicious meals for you and your guests to enjoy.

So, you want to start your own new restaurant in the Gloucester area? We can hardly blame you really, after all, that list of benefits in the previous paragraph is just a taster of what you will come to expect from the normal working day. So, what do you need to know before you open the doors of your new life and start the adventure you’ve always dreamed of? Well, this is where we come in. In this blog, we will run through all of the things which you need to know before you set up your new restaurant in the city of Gloucester or the surrounding area. From cuisine choice to building decisions, find out more here!

Why Gloucester?

So, you’ve decided to open a new restaurant. Finally, after years of deliberation and nerves you’ve thrown caution to the wind and made the big choice. Well, congratulations! This will likely be some of the most exciting and rewarding moments of your life and setting up the restaurant is only the beginning! So, why should you choose the Gloucester area? There are of course many other brilliant locations around the country which would be a great place to start your own business and it can, at times, be difficult to choose. Though Gloucester is certainly one of the best areas around to start your restaurant. Check out the next sections to find out why!


There is no doubt that this city and county in the west of England has some of the most amazing and rich history of anywhere in the UK. It is one of the oldest counties in the country and has hosted kings, queens, and other royals countless times before. What’s more, some of the buildings within the city are truly ancient and have seen many a king and queen rule over them. This amazing history will mean that many people will visit the area where you set up your establishment increasing your clientele size. So, certainly, the rich history of this area is a great factor.


Gloucester is found in a very unique location in the United Kingdom. While it is in the countryside and surrounded by nature and incredible views it is fairly easy to travel to from most of the southwest region. Those who live in the large southern cities of Bristol and Swindon will find it easy to travel to and even some cities in Wales are not too far away. Though why will this benefit your restaurant? Well, if you create a brilliant reputation then people will often choose to travel to your establishment to try out your food and get a taste of that fantastic experience.

Local produce

As Gloucster is surrounded by some of the most idyllic countryside in the country it is also home to a plethora of food produce. From award-winning beef to many of the country’s most sought-after vegetables Gloucester and the surrounding area are spoilt for choice when it comes to sustainably sourced ingredients. This will be a huge benefit for your restaurant as it will not only save you money but it will also mean you can reduce your impact on the environment. In fact, many customers that visit restaurants in the modern era often look for signs that the establishment has sourced their ingredients sustainably and this will give you a huge boost for your reputation.

The practical elements of starting a restaurant

Of course, there are a few practical factors when it comes to setting up your own restaurant and you must consider these things before you start to build your new business. There are areas such as electrical contractors and heating services that you must clear up before you start to build your new place. So, what are these practical factors which you must consider and how will they affect the popularity and success of your company? In this next section, we will run through these elements so you can open your new establishment with confidence. So, keep reading to find out more!

Commercial electrician in Gloucester

Lighting is imperative in your new restaurant as this is what sets the mood of the establishment. You will need to consider these options in a lot of detail and plan how you want the lighting to look. Commercial lighting is often quite a complex task to make sure you hire a team of professionals that have experience in this sector. Here at Mitchell’s, we have been working on commercial lighting for many years and have plenty of experience in this sector of the industry. So, get in touch with us and we can start thinking about your options!

Heating services in Gloucester

It goes without saying really that heating services in your Gloucester restaurant will be one of the most important areas of your new business. After all, you will want your customers to be comfortable when they sit down at their table so they can enjoy the food which you serve. If your customers are too warm or too cold then they will find it increasingly difficult to enjoy their meals. We have a large team of specialists ready to install a variety of heating systems in Gloucester so get in touch with us today! We are confident that we can find the right option for your new business!

Commercial fridge in Gloucester

Fridges and other commercial cooling systems are vital when it comes to keeping your restaurant running. To ensure that your food is safe to eat and stored correctly it is likely that you will need a large amount of fridge space to house all of your ingredients. For this reason, it is imperative that you plan in detail how many fridges you will have and where in the building you will store these. We have a large range of up-to-date freezers and fridges available so you can get started with creating amazing food in no time. Check out our website to have a look at some of our options or contact us directly to speak with one of our experts!

AC maintenance in Gloucester

The likelihood is that you will already have an AC unit installed in your commercial building and it is very important that you keep this in good working order. Although the UK weather isn’t exactly blessed with warm conditions all the time, AC units do a great job of keeping the air in your building fresh and cooling the room when the weather does get warmer. Here at Mitchell’s we are experts in AC maintenance and can certainly help to keep your system in brilliant working order. So, head over to our website to have a look at your options! Alternatively, you might want to contact us over the phone today to speak with one of our experienced experts on the subject.

If you need any of the services listed above to start your new restaurant in Gloucester then make sure you contact us today! We have many years of experience in the industry and certainly have the ability and the knowledge to achieve the results that you are after. What’s more, we pride ourselves on listening to our customers so that they know that their project is in their hands. From heating services in Gloucester to electrical contractors in Gloucester, we have an abundance of industry professionals ready to help you get your business started. So, pick up the phone and chat with our experienced staff today!

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