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Reasons Why Your Commercial Property Needs a Heating System

Heating isn’t only important in homes, but in commercial properties, too. Here’s why heating systems are important for the success of your business.

Whether your commercial property is a small office building or a retail store, having a working heating system is important for the comfort of all individuals inside as well as to avoid structural issues in your building.

We’ve listed a couple of the top reasons why it is important to install a heating system in your commercial property, if you have not already done so.

1 | Comfort

Perhaps the most important reason why people use heating systems is because of the comfort they provide. This isn’t only true for domestic heating, but for commercial heating, as well.

If you own an office building, then it is important that any and all employees are able to work in a comfortable environment throughout the day. Not only is this important for their health and wellbeing, but it will also allow them to work with the most productivity rather than being distracted by an unfavourable working environment.

Similarly, if you own a retail shop, you don’t only have your employees to be concerned about, but the comfort of any customers that enter your building, also. Many shoppers often enjoy respite from the cold by spending longer inside stores when out during the winter, so if you do not have adequate heating in place then it is more likely that they will leave and go on to the next store.

Furthermore, if your retail store has changing rooms for customers to try on any clothing products you sell, then it is important that they do not feel the effects of the cold weather when trying on clothes – by providing a comfortable environment for them, they are able to spend more time determining whether they like an item or not and will be more inclined to buy it after careful deliberation, rather than having to make a snap decision.

As we’re entering the heart of winter, temperatures are dropping from being mild to sub-zero on some days and these temperatures should not have to be endured if it can be avoided.

2 | Preventing Condensation

When air cools, it is less able to hold moisture, resulting in condensation. Likewise, when warm, moist air comes into contact with cooler surfaces (such as windows) condensation will also occur. This is why you will notice that condensation will build up on and around your building’s windows during the winter.

If your commercial property is full of people all day, as it likely will be, this can cause condensation to be even more likely, due to the large amounts of hot, moist air from people collectively breathing coming into contact with the cold surfaces within your building.

The issue with condensation is that, when left untreated, it can lead to excess moisture in your building, resulting in mould (which is also a health hazard), poor performance of your insulation and potential damage to any equipment or building materials (e.g. wallpaper), as well as other issues. This can be avoided, however, with the use of an efficient heating system.

Hot air is able to absorb more water; so, by having adequate heating installations in your commercial property you will be able to quickly heat up the air, which will then efficiently evaporate any condensation, allowing you to better prevent and avoid the issues that come with it – saving you money in the long run.

Heating Services Gloucester

If you’re in need of heating installation or services in Gloucester, Mitchells is who you should turn to. Our heating engineers are qualified experts who can work on a wide range of commercial heating systems.

To enquire about our services and get a heating engineer out to see you, get in touch with us today.

Posted in Blogs, Heating

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