Creating environments
that work since 1905

Steps to Reduce Your Company’s Carbon Footprint

The world is in crisis and everyone needs to help out. This includes not only individuals but companies. How can your company reduce its carbon footprint and make better choices for the environment? There are many ways.

Start Recycling

If you don’t have a recycling program at your workplace, this is the first step to becoming more eco-friendly as a company. You just need to have the bins for each type of recyclable and everyone does their part by separating their rubbish. It’s a simple option, but something that will have a much larger impact on the world.

Use Recycled Products

In addition to recycling what you use, you may wish to look into the options you have for purchasing recycled products. For example, many printing supplies can be recycled or made from recycled paper. When you need a product for the office, check to see if you can get it in a version that was made from recycled materials.

Switch to Eco-Friendly Cleaning Supplies

Whether you clean your own workplace or hire a company that does, making the switch to green cleaners can really make a difference. It not only improves your impact as a company, it also makes people feel better. There will be fewer issues with allergies or asthma that may be caused by harsh cleansers. The scents of green cleaning supplies tend to be less irritating, as well.

Think of the Details

Even small things can make a difference. Something that many workplaces deal with is plastic bottles. If everyone is using bottled water, it can rapidly become a problem. You can make small changes such as installing a water filter and providing everyone with metal water bottles to make a big difference. Not only will your employees begin to use fewer plastic bottles, it will get them thinking about how they can make changes to improve their environmental impact, as well.

Car Share

Help reduce emissions by setting up a car share option for your employees. This involves multiple people riding in the same vehicle to reduce how much petrol is being burned. Alternatively, you could encourage public transport or even bike riding if they live close to the workplace.

Use Eco-Friendly Heating and Cooling

While your employees should be comfortable in the workplace, there are plenty of options available to cool and heat the building without causing massive CO2 emissions. Talk to Mitchell’s about the possibility of more eco-friendly cooling and heating systems and you can enjoy the right temperature while reducing your carbon footprint as a company.

Ready to make some changes? Mitchell’s has environmentally friendly options for your workplace in both heating and cooling. Contact us now to learn more.

Posted in Blogs

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