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The Advantages of Refrigeration in Meat Processing Facilities

The Advantages of Refrigeration in Meat Processing Facilities

Meat processing facilities have been using refrigeration technology for many years to keep meat products at the correct temperature. This has helped to improve the quality and safety of meat products and has allowed these products to be sold in stores all over the world. This blog post will discuss the advantages of refrigeration in meat processing facilities, and we will explain why this technology is so important for this industry.

Prevent Wastage

It is estimated that approximately 15% of meat products are lost to spoilage each year. This number is even higher in developing countries where food safety practices are not as well-established. Refrigeration can help to reduce this number by keeping meat products at a safe temperature and preventing the growth of bacteria that can cause spoilage.

Keeping Temperature Stable Is Essential

Refrigeration is important in meat processing facilities because it helps to keep the temperature of the meat products at a safe level. This prevents the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause food poisoning. In addition, refrigeration helps to preserve the quality of meat products by preventing them from spoiling. Meat that is not properly refrigerated can develop off-flavours and odours that make it unappetizing. Refrigeration also slows down the rate at which enzymes break down the muscle tissues in meat, which can result in a tougher product.

Types of refrigeration systems

Meat processing facilities use different types of refrigeration systems to keep their products at the correct temperature. The most common type of system is a blast freezer, which uses cold air to rapidly cool the meat products. Another type of system is a plate freezer, which uses metal plates to transfer cold air to meat products. Plate freezers are more expensive than blast freezers, but they are more efficient and can provide a higher quality product.

Benefits of refrigeration

There are many benefits of using refrigeration in meat processing facilities. This technology helps to keep meat products safe, fresh, and flavorful. In addition, it allows these products to be sold in stores all over the world. If you are thinking about starting a career in this industry, then you should definitely consider studying refrigeration so that you can learn how to use this important piece of equipment.

The Advantages of Refrigeration in Meat Processing Facilities have been known for many years. This technology helps to keep meat products safe, fresh, and flavorful. In addition, it allows these products to be sold in stores all over the world.

If you’re in need of commercial refrigeration solutions, look no further than Mitchells. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today and discuss your requirements.

Call us now on 01452 302206 or send an email to

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