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that work since 1905

The Future Of Air Conditioning in Homes and Businesses

You may think that your AC system works perfectly well and it does not need renovating or redesigning. However, as we are in the midst of a climate crisis there doesn’t really seem like a better time than now to rethink AC Installations that emit far too much greenhouse gases and speed up global warming.

Why AC Conditioning Needs Rethinking

Although the fundamental physics behind air conditioners has not changed much since they were originally developed almost a century ago, the threat they pose to life on Earth is growing.

The majority of our current air conditioners employ hazardous chemicals – known as refrigerants – that trap heat in the environment, consume a tremendous amount of energy, and put pressure on electrical systems during the scorching summer months. Because of this, some scientists believe it’s time to alter how we cool our houses in addition to the many other structural adjustments needed to combat climate change, such as better insulating our homes and deploying batteries across the grid.

All indications point to the fact that people will keep purchasing air conditioners, not just to feel more comfortable but also to endure the more severe weather brought on by climate change. As a testament to this, by 2020, the need for cooling technology was already increasing by between 15 and 20 percent annually in India alone. Therefore, it’s essential that we minimise the harm that the additional AC systems will cause to the environment by rethinking the technology behind them.

More Energy Efficient AC Systems

The majority of hot countries have already started implementing policies to increase the efficiency of AC appliances. These policies include labelling the appliances, directing consumers towards the most efficient models when they purchase a new appliance, and enacting Minimum Energy Performance Standards, which banish the least efficient appliances from the market. According to the IEA, these measures have caused the average energy efficiency of new AC equipment to grow by 50% since 1990.

Paving the Way with Aerothermal Energy

Aerothermal energy has had a significant impact on the air conditioning and ventilation industry because it uses a heat pump to collect latent heat from the subsoil.

Keep in mind that both the air and the ground are effective energy transporters and renewable resources, making this a far more eco-friendly way to produce the same amount of energy as a current AC system requires. With a traditional AC system, you’d be relying on both an electric compressor and a mechanical compression cycle to produce the required energy.

As manufacturers continually seek more environmentally friendly materials, there will be several adjustments to ventilation and energy requirements for air conditioning over time. At Mitchell’s, we understand the need for more sustainable solutions as a result of the climate disaster. This is why we strive to keep up with the times in all we do and offer the most efficient AC systems and air conditioning services we are able to.

Please contact us to learn more about our air conditioning services or our commitment to minimising our impact on the environment.

Posted in Blogs

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