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The Ultimate Guide To Air Conditioning

It goes without saying really that air conditioning is a vital aspect of any home or office building. As temperatures rise there is nothing more distracting or uncomfortable than a home or building which remains extremely warm inside. For one, a warm inside temperature will reduce your productivity immensely. One study by Loughborough University claims that productivity can reduce by up to 35% if temperatures rise above 35 degrees. As climate change continues to progress this will become increasingly common so the importance of the AC will only grow.

We’re sure that you’ve heard of AC units in offices. After all, keeping your office building cool can be a much more challenging task. These buildings are often insulated to a lower standard than domestic homes and can act like a greenhouse for the heat. Therefore, it is of course imperative for most office buildings to fit several air conditioning units as bringing the temperature down will drastically increase the productivity and comfort of your colleagues.

However, air conditioning is also incredibly useful for domestic homes as well. As we progress through the 21st century heat waves are becoming more and more common. Global warming is of course the main culprit for this drastic change in weather patterns but the result is clear. Extreme weather conditions are becoming a common occurrence and we must learn to cope with them. One of the most effective ways to cool your home during a heat wave is an air conditioning system and many homes in warmer climates already have these installed.

History of air conditioning

It might come as a surprise to many readers but the principle of air conditioning dates back to ancient civilisations. The Egyptians used many different passive air conditioning techniques to cool their buildings to a more bearable temperature. This would have been particularly important considering their proximity to one of the world’s hottest areas, the Sahara Desert.

These techniques then began to spread throughout the ancient world and were used in the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa, the Middle East, and Northern India. It would be over a thousand years until the next innovation in air conditioning techniques however this new invention would change the face of cooling capabilities.

In 1558 the Italian scholar Giambattista Della Porta wrote about a chilling method achieved through the use of potassium nitrate. They used the chemical to freeze ice well below the level of freezing which laid the groundwork for the next innovation in air conditioning systems. Cornelis Drebbel demonstrated this technique to James I of England in 1620 and named the act “Turning summer into winter”. His experiment involved chilling the great hall of Westminster Abby using an apparatus of troughs and vats.

200 years later Benjamin Franklin and John Hadley conducted an experiment attempting to rapidly cool objects using evaporation. The two professors from the University of Cambridge evaporated alcohol and ether two highly volatile liquids to bring down the temperature of objects to below freezing level. During their experiment, the pair managed to freeze an object to -14 degrees and Franklin himself concluded that you could “freeze a man to death on a hot summer’s day”

Modern history

As the human race progressed into the 19th century there were several notable additions to freezing technology. Micheal Fraday in 1820 for example, found that compressing and liquifying ammonia would make the surrounding area cool if the ammonia evaporated. Then in 1842, John Gorrie used this compressing technology to freeze Ice. The American physician used the technology to cool the rooms of his patients in the Florida hospital. Though Gorrie had much larger ambitions for technology and even believed you could cool entire cities using the system.

Later in 1851, James Harrison built the world’s first mechanical ice maker which produced three tons of ice per day. Harrison used this technology to create incredibly successful ice companies in North America.

The first air conditioning systems

After the invention of electricity, the world of air conditioning transformed and the stage was set for large air conditioning units. In 1901, Willis H. Carrier invented the first modern air conditioning unit which used electrical power to operate. In 1902 Carrier installed his system for the first time in a New York publishing company. The air conditioning helped to maintain the paper dimensions by controlling the humidity of the rooms.

Later in 1906, Stuart W. Cramer first used the phrase air conditioning to describe adding moisture to a room to increase its humidity. The term soon gained traction and was used to describe Carrier’s earlier invention. Then in 1914, the first examples of domestic air conditioning were seen in Charles Gilbert Gates’ home in Minneapolis. Despite this, however, the system was likely never switched on as Gates died in 1913 and the house was never inhabited.

The famous window ledge air conditioning unit was first seen in 1932 when H.H. Shultz and J.Q Sherman introduced the technology and during the same year, the first car air conditioning systems were created.

Modern air conditioning

The later part of the 20th century saw the introduction of incredibly capable systems which could cool, heat, humidify, dehumidify and filter the air of a room. This technology was pioneered by Robert Sherman in 1945.

The popularity of air conditioning

It’s no wonder really that air conditioning is now one of the most common pieces of electrical technology in any home or business. The equipment allows people to regulate the temperature of a room to a comfortable climate which can drastically improve productivity. What’s more, when these systems are installed in domestic properties they also allow those who live in extremely warm climates to relax in comfortable conditions. So, just how popular are modern air conditioning systems?

In 2018 it was estimated that a staggering 1.6 billion air condition units were installed across the globe and this figure is set to grow to 5.6 billion by 2050. What’s more, in the USA almost 100 million homes have air conditioning systems installed. That’s nearly 90% of the population!

What are the benefits of installing air conditioning?

There are of course plenty of benefits to installing air conditioning which is why they have become so popular over the last century. Whether you’re looking to install a system in your home or commercial property they can certainly do far more for you than simply cooling a room. Modern air conditioning units are incredibly capable and have a variety of different settings and options to help regulate your room’s temperature and air quality. So, what are some of the benefits of installing a new air conditioning unit?

Heating and cooling

Of course, it’s pretty safe to say the first thing that comes to mind with air conditioning is cooling a room. Modern systems are incredibly efficient at doing this however most of them can also heat your room as well.

Improved air quality

Air quality is one of the biggest issues that homeowners and office managers face. After all, poor air conditions can lead to serious health issues, particularly for those who suffer from allergies. Most modern air conditioners can now improve humidity levels and even filter out dust and harmful particles.

Protect your property

The valuables in your home all suffer if the moisture level is too high. Electrical equipment such as phones, laptops, and televisions can all be damaged if the climate is unstable or moist. What’s more, vintage wooden furniture and your walls struggle to maintain their quality if the air is particularly humid. With an air conditioner, you can monitor and maintain a good level of humidity in your home which will help protect your valuables.

Improved health

As we’ve already mentioned, air conditioning will improve your health by maintaining a sufficient level of air quality. However, a stable temperature will also drastically improve your overall well-being and mental health.

If you’re after a new air conditioning unit then we can certainly help and advise so you make the right choice for your circumstances. We also offer air conditioning servicing so you can maintain your investment for years to come. Whether you’re after a new air conditioning system or AC maintenance in Gloucester then we can help. Contact our experienced staff today to find out more!

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