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Three Business Appliances You Should Upgrade This Winter

As we all fight with the current cost of living crisis many of us are trying to think of how we can save money here and there. Of course, there are a few obvious ways such as using the heating efficiently and cutting down on waste. Though many people gloss over the fact that our appliances are often some of the largest energy wasters in a business and upgrading them can drastically improve your efficiency. So, what are a few appliances which you should upgrade?

Retail fridge

The first item on this list might be an appliance that not every business will have, however, if your business uses one it is imperative to upgrade it as regularly as possible. Commercial fridges use a huge amount of energy and they are quite possibly one of the most expensive appliances to run. The technology with these items is constantly changing and improving so staying to date is imperative if you want to get the most out of the energy you use. So, if you can, you should try to upgrade your commercial fridge.


Boilers are some of the most costly appliances within a business as you use a huge amount of energy to heat large buildings. However, many owners have boilers that are several years old and extremely costly to run. Boilers much like commercial fridges are often upgraded regularly so if you don’t regularly change your boiler every few years you could lose a lot of money through heating waste. So make sure you have an up-to-date boiler or at least have your current one professionally serviced.

Air conditioning

Air conditioning units are commonplace in many business buildings and they often do a fantastic job of both heating and cooling large spaces. They are brilliantly efficient for these large rooms and often use far less energy than conventional heaters. However, like any mechanical item, they do break down every once in a while. If this happens you should make it your top priority to fix the air con unit as soon as possible so you’re not wasting valuable energy. You should also hire a team of trained professionals to carry out your air-con repair in Gloucester. After all, without a professional’s eyes, you could end up damaging the unit more.

If you’re in need of some new appliances for your business this year then we can certainly help. We have many years of experience in the industry and pride ourselves in giving you the best possible service. Our ac units and retail fridges have a brilliant reputation and will definitely serve your business well. So, make sure you contact us today to speak with our experienced and friendly staff.

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