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Tips To Reduce Humidity In Your Home

Is your home humid? If there is a feeling of heaviness in the air, you may be suffering from excess humidity. This is fairly common in sealed homes and it can make you hot and uncomfortable.

There are other issues with excess humidity, as well. With this much dampness in the air, mould has the perfect conditions for growth. You may also notice that there is condensation on your windows and walls, which can cause structural damage. It may even short out electrical circuits if it gets into your outlets.

So, how do you get rid of humidity? Here are a few ways:

Turn On Exhaust Fans

When you’re cooking, particularly if you are boiling water, be sure to turn on the fan over the stove. It’s not just for smoke, it’s also to help eliminate the steam that will fill the kitchen and condense on the walls otherwise.

The same goes for the bathroom. If you’re showering, turn on the fan and let it run for at least 10 minutes after you have finished. This can help prevent humidity from building up in the first place.

Use Charcoal Briquettes

The same charcoal blobs you use for your grill can help reduce the humidity in the air. Just put a few pieces into a basket or bowl and put it in a non-conspicuous place. It will absorb the moisture in the space and can be used to lower the levels of vapour. You should replace it every few months to keep moisture levels low.

Turn On Air Conditioning

Did you know that the air conditioner actually helps lower humidity? It will greatly reduce the amount of moisture in the air, while also cooling you down and keeping the space comfortable. This is a good reason to invest in a cooling system.

Remember that the air conditioner will not be as efficient if the filters are dirty, so be sure to do full maintenance on the system on a regular basis. If you’re not comfortable with this, you can hire someone to handle the ongoing maintenance yourself. You’ll be amazed at how much more comfortable you are when you get rid of any excess moisture. You’ll breathe better and won’t feel as sticky.

Thinking of installing an air conditioning unit? Need help with your maintenance? At Mitchell’s, we have the expertise you need to keep humidity at a lower level and to ensure your AC works well.

Posted in Blogs

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