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Tips To Save On Your Heating Bill This Winter

Tips To Save On Your Heating Bill This Winter

Whether you are looking to heat your home or work space, it’s important to get it sorted out sooner rather than later. The nearer to the winter you get it organised, the harder it can be to get someone in to check out your boiler and heating and the more you might have to suffer in a cold building. We live in a time when bills are getting more expensive and the cost of living is going up so it’s vital to save money where you can. If you are wondering how you can save on your heating bill this winter, we have put together some top tips to get you on your way.

Upgrade your heating system

If you have an old and outdated heating system or boiler then chances are it isn’t the most efficient with energy. It’s much more cost-effective in the long term to get rid of your old system and have it replaced with something newer and better. This can stop you paying unnecessarily or losing out on energy from having a system that doesn’t work very well. From a new boiler to an entirely new heating system and new radiators, there are plenty of options that you can look into.

Check your building is well insulated

If your building isn’t insulated then you are essentially flushing away heat as it will be escaping almost as quickly as it is being generated. To fix this and save on your heating bills, ensure your windows and rooms themselves have sufficient insulation to keep heat in. By doing this, you will only need to turn the heating on to warm up the space, then it should stay that way for a while without having to have the heating on the whole time.

Only heat the rooms that are in use

If you are in a large building, there can be many rooms, some of which aren’t even used. If this is the case, turn off the radiators in those rooms as otherwise you are just heating them up unnecessarily. This way only the rooms that will be in use will be warm and the others aren’t wasting energy.

Shut doors when in a room

When you are in a room, be sure to shut the doors to keep the heat in and not let it escape. This might seem like a simple tip, but it can be a very effective one that many of us often forget about. By closing the door, the heat remains trapped and isn’t flowing through the rest of the building.

These are just a few top tips that can help you to save on your heating bill this winter. One of the most important things is ensuring your heating system and boiler are all set up correctly and are energy efficient.

To find out more about heating installations, boiler replacements and more, get in touch with us here at Mitchell’s. Based in Gloucester, we can offer services on a one-off basis or bundled with other services for a more cost-effective option.

Posted in Blogs, Heating

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