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What to Look for When Choosing a Heating Company

What to Look for When Choosing a Heating Company

If you’re looking for a heating company to manage your build’s heating needs, you shouldn’t hire the first one you find. There are multiple companies available and it’s essential that you get one that is trustworthy and will work with you to create the right solution for your situation.

Here are a few things to look for when choosing a heating company:

What are People Saying?

Look at the reviews other people have left for the company and check out their portfolio, if there is one. This will give you a good idea of what people think of them. While reviews aren’t always accurate, you will note if they are mostly positive or if there is a negative slant to the majority of the reviews. Either way, you’ll know more about the company than if you just hire them.

You can also ask for references and talk to some of their previous clients. This can be an excellent way to find out how fast the company works and if there are any issues you should watch for.

Options for Heating

While some companies focus on just one type of heating, you may wish to work with a company that gives you a variety of heating choices. They’ll be better suited to discuss the intricacies of each method of heating with you and this can help you decide which system is best for your needs.

Remember, every building is different, and your needs are not going to be the same as everyone else’s. If there are no ducts in the existing building, you will need to install these, as well, which can be a massive job, depending on the size of the building. This is something to discuss with the heating company, too. They’ll be able to advise you on how to proceed and what type of heating to consider.

It’s a good sign if the company is willing to have someone come and show you the various options. They may do a home inspection to determine what your best choice would be and then they can provide you with a list of possible heating methods. They’ll give you the pros and cons and an estimate for the job, then you can move on from there.

Safety Processes

Safety is key when you are installing something like a heating system in your home. It involves dealing with high voltage wires and some major adjustments if they are running ducts throughout the building, as well as adding underfloor heating.

You want to be sure that the heating technicians are able to do everything safely and they should be able to give you their safety procedures to ensure everything will be carried out with care. You are free to ask what type of safety procedures they follow and what safety equipment the workers will use. It should be reassuring to hear exactly what they do to ensure protection for both the worker and your family.


A heating company may have plenty of experience, but what about those who work for them? Even if the company has been around for 25 years, you want to be sure that the person working on your heating system installation has the necessary training and experience to perform the job and to do excellent work. However, the longer the company has been functioning, the more likely it is that they’ve perfected the hiring process to ensure they have the best possible employees.

Since most companies have multiple installers, you can ask for a more experienced one and they will often oblige. Keep in mind that some will have interns with them or may work with another person in order to speed up the process.

Testing Once Installation is Done

After the install is complete, it may seem like the job is done and the installer can leave, but first, your installer needs to test the equipment and ensure it works. Some experts estimate that 90% of HVAC systems have energy deficiencies, so you certainly want to check this before the installer leaves.

They should check the energy usage of the new system, as well as the efficiency when it comes to heating the entire home. Only once this is complete should the heating company consider the job complete.

Customer Service

While it certainly is not the most important factor in choosing a heating company, it is nice if they are polite. You should be able to call for information and be treated nicely. You’re letting people into your home, so it’s best if you can trust them.

Good customer service also means you will be treated pleasantly when asking for clarification on anything. You may have questions and if a company isn’t willing to answer them, it’s usually best to walk away. There are other companies available to do the installation, so this may be something that makes you turn to another company.


Is the company insured? If something happens to your home while they’re working there, you want to have coverage. Accidents happen and when you’re managing something like a heating installation, things can go very wrong, rather quickly.

The heating company should have insurance to protect both you and themselves in the case of something going wrong. On occasion, there may be an accident and you need to be aware that this could happen.

Ongoing Support

Heating systems do not last forever without maintenance. It’s recommended that you have annual maintenance done in the fall, just before you start to use your heating system again. This helps ensure there will be no breakdowns over the winter.

The heating system maintenance includes:

  • Checking for blockages. The technician will look through the vent system, including ducts and air intake grilles. If there are any blockages or obstructions, they’ll remove them. They will also get rid of dust and grime while they are looking.
  • Checking the heat exchanger. The heat exchange may have damage or it could be corroded, particularly if it has been there for some time.
  • Checking the blower motor. This will need to be functioning correctly in order to send heat throughout the entire building. The blower is an essential part of the heating system, so it must be in good condition, free of debris. The technician will also check the amp draw on the blower to ensure it’s not using too much electricity.
  • Checking the wiring. There are many electrical wires that run through these systems and they need to be checked for loose wires or damaged cables. The wiring can affect how the entire machine works, so inspecting it is a good idea.
  • Calibrating the thermostat. The thermostat needs to be functional if you are going to set it and have it give the right temperature. Testing controls and safety. It’s essential that the safety controls are functional and will kick in if there’s an emergency. The control panel should also be working.
  • Changing the air filter. The air filter needs to be inspected, changed or cleaned and replaced from time to time and this should be done during the annual maintenance.

This inspection and testing is an essential part of maintaining your system. If you skip it, your heating system could end up having a small problem that the inspection would have noticed and remedied. When the small issues are not addressed, they can become big problems. You’ll save quite a bit of time and money by simply having the annual check-up. The last thing you want is to be without heat in the middle of winter.

Now that you know how to select a heating company, it’s time to find one. Start asking for recommendations from people you trust and get some quotes from the companies you like. You may then decide which company is the best fit for your needs. Are you in need of a heating system? Mitchells offers HVAC installations and annual maintenance, as well as emergency repair services. Contact us today to learn more.

Posted in Blogs, Heating

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