Creating environments
that work since 1905

Why Invest In Office Air Conditioning?

Air conditioning is a great addition to any workspace, though the stressful office environment is especially suitable when considering installation. Notoriously stuffy and cramped, an office without adequate temperature regulation is hardly likely to win any awards for employee satisfaction. Whether you’re decking out a brand new commercial space for Summer, upgrading existing appliances or making the most of Mitchell’s fantastic deals, read on and realise the varied benefits of office air conditioning as the months of 2023 roll past.

Employee Comfort

Every employer wants to be known as a leader in employee comfort, with this metric gauging how desirable your company is to work for, as well as upping the standard of reputable employees to apply for certain positions. Absolutely crucial in the Summer is creating a relaxing workspace, and air conditioning units are the ideal selection for 2023, with models available to cover rooms of any size and scale. At Mitchell’s, air conditioning installation and maintenance are some of our primary offerings, so we can be relied on to select the set-up which is ideal for you.

Cutting Carbon Footprint

Sustainability is a really important consideration for businesses large and small, with organisations encouraged to consider their carbon footprints, focusing on renewable energy, sustainable practices and operations which are less harmful to the environment in general. Though it can be tough getting to grips with different approaches and methods, office air conditioning is one such addition which certainly won’t compromise your eco-friendliness. Modern air conditioning units are energy efficient as standard, meaning minimal wasted output.

Workplace Legislation

Welfare regulations stipulate that the minimum temperature for working indoors should normally be at least: 16°C or. 13°C if much of the work involves rigorous physical effort, and although office tasks don’t come under this criteria, it can still be just as important to ensure your staff aren’t suffering when the temperatures peak. We have helped to design and install a great deal of climate control equipment for many different working environments over the years, positioning us as the go-to name for bespoke air conditioning installations.

Staff Productivity

Staff productivity is of course influenced by the conditions individuals work in, be that a busy warehouse, packed office space or frantic hub of business. One way to ensure a fantastic work atmosphere is by prioritising staff welfare, and a comfortable, well-conditioned and temperature-controlled space will foster productivity and hard work in abundance.

Found yourself searching for ‘air conditioning installation Gloucester’? Experienced and personable, Mitchell’s are able to go above and beyond the provisions of most building services providers by offering complete mechanical and electrical packages that are backed by a fully operational service department. Known locally and nationally, give us a call to discuss your requirements – we’re always keen to connect with new businesses.

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