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Why Your Pets Need Air Conditioning

Why Your Pets Need Air Conditioning

As our climate changes and hotter summers and heatwaves become more commonplace, you’ll need to make sure your pets stay cool and that you provide for them if it’s getting too hot. Air conditioning can make a huge difference here, after all, it isn’t just for you and your family, it’s also invaluable for keeping your pets healthy and safe.

Regulate Temperature

If your animal is bred for colder climates, they are likely to be very uncomfortable in the heat. For example, Huskies are a breed of dog that is quite content to sleep outdoors in the snow. When the weather heats up, they can suffer. Any pet with long or fluffy fur can end up unhappy with more heat. It’s also important to keep animals with short muzzles comfortable, as they have more difficulty panting to cool themselves off.

Signs Your Pet is Overheating

Do you know the signs of overheating in your pet? Animals can get heatstroke just like humans. Unfortunately, they can’t just tell you that they’re in trouble, so you need to know the signs.


If your dog is overheating, he will hyperventilate and tend to pant far too much, almost in a panicked manner. The dog’s gums may be dry and pale, while they have a rapid pulse. In some cases, dogs will vomit or have diarrhoea when they are overheating, their behaviour may change and they will often appear confused or weak.


Your cat will start looking for cooler places to lay, including the floor, bathtub or anywhere with tiles. The cat may stumble around a little, act lethargic and have a red tongue and mouth. If they get too hot, cats will vomit. You will also notice that they have a racing heartbeat and are breathing too fast.


If you have birds, you know they’re quite susceptible to many things, including temperature changes. Your bird may seem more aggressive or more passive than usual. Birds will also pant or open their mouth to breathe when they are hot and may sit quietly on the floor of their cage. You may notice that the bird seems stressed or holds its wings out to cool off.

Any pet can overheat and it’s important to think of their safety and health, too. If you have animals in your home, be sure to leave the air conditioning on while you’re at work or out for the day. You don’t need to keep it glacially cold, but it is a good idea to maintain a regular temperature for your pets.

Need an air conditioning system installed? Contact Mitchell’s to find out what is available to you.

Posted in Blogs

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